Little Mermaid Places to Visit

Little Mermaid Fan Fiction:
This is Shad's page with a fine collection of links to various Little Mermaid Fan Fiction. See also Dan Saltzman's Fan Fic Page below.

Shark Cave game on
This is a great little game featuring Ariel. Swim her through a shark and eel infested cave and collect Magic Shells along the way. I managed 370 points

Little Mermaid Video Clips:
Here's a nice page from Christopher Higgins Little Mermaid site where you'll find a gold mine of Real audio/video clips of The Little Mermaid songs and clips from the film. Also on the page is a plethora of Midi files. Enjoy! (Thanks Chris)

Ariel Clip-art:
Here's a really great page of high quality Ariel Clip-art images! 40 in all on 3 pages! Nice collection, Merm8
Pages to all the other Characters in Clip-art form are listed on this page:

A Must Visit site for Disney fans:
Provides access to an endless amount of Disney news, happenings and links... not to mention a Disney Message Board/Forum!
Also on their site, you can check out the Tour of Disney Sea in Tokyo Japan.

TLM III Script Submission:
Wonderfully written by Patric Conroy

Dan Saltzman's The Little Mermaid Fan Fiction Page:
Great place to find lots of original Little Mermaid stories.
And his Little Mermaid Home Page

The Little Mermaid 1997 Trailer:
This is the page from which you can Download the Re-release Trailer. The download is around 4 Megs and takes a while but it's worth it!

Check out Terry Richards Arielcon 2001 Photos
Thank you for those
And his Little Mermaid Home Page:

A Jodi Benson (Voice of Ariel) interview:
SPLICED interviewed Jodi Beson on November 2, 1997 in San Francisco.

Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!

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