Will there ever be a TLM3 ?
TLM3 IS a reality now!! You can check out the Official Site and as expected, it's going to be a PREQUEL. Stay tuned for more details
TLM3 OUTLINE ( Updated 20 August 2003 )
Also, here's a TLM3 Script Submission by : Huntington Credenza
Who was kind enough to share it with us. This particualr story takes place during a time after TLM and almost as an alternate to TLM2. Thanks Huntington
After receiving many many responses to this question, I've decided that the only hope we have of a quality film rivaling the original "The Little Mermaid" is if it were anchored in how everything in Ariel's world came to be.
I've decided to dedicate a page entirely for exploring the possibilities. Below you'll find comments and suggestions from Little Mermaid and LittleAriel fans, along with some responses from me... and who knows, maybe we could all come up with a brilliant idea that'll knock everyones socks off and Disney will pick it up... maybe? I'd love to include your ideas on this page...
Okay, let's see what's out there... ( starting with the most recent )
Sunday, September 25, 2005
I was looking at some of the ideas for TLM3,until I stumbled upon the
idea about the pirates.Im a huge pirate fan but im a biger Ariel fan.Tell me in
a diferent way,why you turned it down.I agree with jack,that wuld be pretty cool
to have ariel encounter the pirates. But also tell me the good things you liked
about this idea.
Amanda(jolly rodger)
I don't think running into pirates is a bad idea, but the "pirate idea" was originally Anthony's, and what he wanted was for Ariel to run into a bunch of zombie skeleton pirates and that's what I thought just wouldn't fit
Saturday, September 24, 2005
I am not sure how many people here belong to arielholics...The new one
is called Reflections, no real idea what it is about...although
It would make sense that Ariel is talking to Melody about when she was little
and she tells about growing up...Prolouge much?...
But then again i got to thinking...the Little Mermaid series...was the prolouge
It's a total mystery...one fact...is it's called The Little Mermaid
Reflections (talk to Dan on arielholics for all the sites and stuff)
AmyLee Under the Sea
Are you saying that the new TLM3 coming out soon is called "Reflections" ? If so, it would certainly indicate
that Disney has seriously taken into consideration the need to get the "back story"... that is, Ariel's and her family's past.
Also, it may very well be that LittleAriel.com may have played an important role in convincing Disney itself that a true pre-history of Ariel's world was important enough to devote a film on, even if it is only made for DVD.
Thanks very much for writing and letting us know, AmyLee
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
hi iluv the little mermaid and its great that your making a third movie
but why does it have to be so late coming out i cant wiat that long.i would
really like to see eric as a merman. mabe like how your going to write the sotry
but at the end you should have eric wanting to expeirence being a merman scince
he did that to areil.and they could all be a family under the sea.if you could
do taht that would be awsome.
Thanks for the ideas, Erica
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I think that TLM3 would be a fantastic idea!!! Are they actually going
to make one? or are they making one right now?
Mia Mermaid
TLM3 is in the works right now
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Well you could add ursala and morganas mum in to it and ariel and
melody must sacrivice their fins to save the world
Hi and thanks for sharing your ideas, Lloyd
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Dear little ariel.com I was looking at the ideas for a 3rd tlm movie
and I wuld like to say that,I like the idea of the whole pirate thing that I
read.It wuld be cool to have Ariel be seen with pirates.She can learn about a
terror that takes place above her own home.That wuld make TLM3 evan twice as
interesting.The guy who came up with that idea is very smart.I salute him.Write
back soon.
Thanks, Jack
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Here's a idea for TLM3. And it's mostly about Ariel and Eric's
marriage on the rocks and how Melody is affected. Ariel and Eric have a lover's
tiff about Duchess Angelica firting with him. Ariel gets mad and goes to her
father King Triton to clear her head and to think about about her relationship
with Eric. She takes Melody with her. Her sister Arista sugessts divorice but
Ariel still has feelings for Eric. In the end Ariel relizes she still loves Eric
and come home to him.
Whew, sounds way too real to me ... like real life. I think what will work best is a good old fashioned "fairy tail", so where I do appreciate the ideas,
I think a story line like that would work better on a soap. Ouch
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Dear littleariel.com
I have just read your comments about my new idea.
I must say I agree. I got a little too ahead of myself. My imagination got way too
wild. Ariel is much too sweet to be seen with pirates. Thank you anyway. I will
stick to my drawings of these weird happenings. Whether its pirates, superheros or
grim grinning ghosts, its all going to be on drawing paper. Thank you.
Thanks for writing and sharing your thoughts, Anthony.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hello again little Ariel.com.This is Anthony, but i like to be
called grim ghost lover because im crazy about the haunted mansion.But to get to
the point.I gave you an idea of mine for TLM3 plan a month ago.I have just come
to tell you that i have made a few changes to my idea.But before i tell you,I
just want to know what you thought about my whole pirate idea,please let me
know.So any way here is my (NEW)idea:It starts out when Eric/Ariel& Melody are
in the castile ball room enjoying a Halloween masqurade ball with there family
and friends.There was music all around.There was a dining table covered with the
most glorius food in the kingdom.Halloween decorations evereyware and evereyone
was having a grand old time.That was until,there was a comotion outside in the
ocean.A big dark shadow of a fairley large ship was coming up the coast.Eric and
Ariel came outside to get some fresh air after dancing a long time.Then as they
were talking a loud boom broke the silence.Just as Eric yelled "look out" a
cannon ball tore threw a nearby hill side.When Eric identefies the ships flag,he
remained speechless for a good 5 minutes.The flag was big and black and had the
skull and cross bones.It was a ship of a ruthless band of pirates.The name of
the ship:The Devils Gold.Then faster then the tide coming in,the pirates were on
land creating havoc in the kingdom.there were no deaths just destrucktion.Later
on ,a few pirates broke into the castile and destroyed the party.When Eric was
fighting with one pirate,two others took Ariel captive.Melody,who was hiding the
whole time did not notice her mother was gone until it was to late.As the story
unfolds,Ariel learns that the pirates were being controlled by Ursulas ghost,who
wanted her out of the way,to gain control over Ariels kingdom.Eric then takes
his own crew to go hunt down the pirates.Melody however travels under the
ocean,to save her mother then.in the end there is a big battle between Erics
ship and the pirate ship,and Ariel finally finds her hidden power to stop
Ursulas ghost & to save her home.Let me Know what you think of this new and
improved idea.Thank you varey much.
Grim ghost lover
Well, honestly, I did like the Ursula's ghost idea, but as for the pirates, I just can't imagine a bunch of pirate bones running around in a TLM movie. I think that would require just a little bit too much suspension of disbelief. Ursula's ghost? Okay, but skeletons running around, uh, maybe not
Friday, July 29, 2005
I have been a fan of Ariel for as long as I can remember.She was
allways my favorite princess.So this is my idea:This takes place about one or
two months after the events of TLM2.It begins when Ariel is all of a sudden is
feeling varey homesick,and wants to take a slightley short trip back to
Atlantica.So she asks her father to turn her back into a mermaid.When she
finally goes beneath the waves again,she gets right down to work and begins
exploreing sunken ships.But one ship has one big difference.To Ariel, its just
an ordinary ship but to humans its property of the only humans,King Triton shuld
hate.Ruthless blood thirsty Pirates.The only treasure Arial gets was a rusted
gold coin wich she later turns into a neckles.What Ariel did not know was that
the coin was cursed.The skeletons of the pirates would go after the one who
stole there treasure.Then later on,while back on land.Ariel gets captured by the
ghost of ursula ,because she wants Ariels new treasure.Then Melody goes back in
the sea to rescue her beloved mother.When she does,she faces underwater dangers
never herd of before,with her new friend Zack the dolphin.Zack is allways
looking for a fight.Melody can not believe what she is up against(the spirit of
a long lost enimie & a 200 year old curse).Talk about major headache.I say its
time for TLM to involve some action,adventure & the supernatural.Hopefully you
will like this idea of mine.Thank you for listening to my thoughts.
The ghost of Ursula!! That's a GREAT idea
Sunday, July 24, 2005
TLM was wonderful, brilliant, daring and different. TLM2 was a great
sequel, thought there should have been information on Eric (are there any more
Aunts or an actual Uncle that we should know about?) but besides that it was
planned out very well and enjoyable! Is that script submitted by Huntington
Credenza the actualy TLM3 script? If it is...it's great, I think it has a
chance. Atlantica, sounds very fascinating, but I think it gives away to much on
Neptune so it's leaning on Hercules a bit much.
L. Prince
It's not the TLM3 script, just an attempt to create one, like on this page.
Disney is in production of a Dircet to DVD version of TLM3 which will hopefully be out within a year or two.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
if your looking for thoughts and ideas there is a fanfic that i would
have to recamend to you, its called "melody;a princess of two worlds"
it is deffenatly worth looking for. its all about TLM3 and stars melody, it is-fun,
adventures,brillant, exicting has a bit of rommance- and so much more. please
check it out. thanks! please repley.
Thanks for the GREAT link, Ayr
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I've read what you have on the TLM3 it's very interesting. I feel
like is mixes Hercules in with Ariel a little to much though. And I thought
since TLM2 ended with Melody and a certain Merboy. Shouldn't he come back?
Maybe Melody should turn 16 now...turning out to be more like her mother than
she thought?
B. Price
Hmmm, GREAT ideas, B
Saturday, July 2, 2005
I thought Ariel's mother's name was Aria. Which is it?
Ariel's Mother, as far as I know, was never actually named anywhere, but I have it on good authority that her name is/was in fact, Andromeda.
Saturday, July 2, 2005
I think The Little Mermaid 2 was the best movie ever partly because it
had Tara Strong in it and she got to sing and I just saw The Fairly Odd Parents
musical School's Out and it was great and so I really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want
there to be a The Little Mermaid 3 movie and because I have The Little Mermaid 2
video, dvd, cd, and many stories I have found off google like "The Little
Mermaid and the Seven Seas" and "Birthday Surprise" and "The Storm" and
many other stories I have read but, I can remember the title to. I have also
thought up mini stories of my own in my head some are good and some are bad but,
when I am bored I just think of one of the srories or read one of the stories I
have read on the Internet. One of my stories is a little weide but, it was a
little cool. It was about Melody was taken away from her parents when she was 1
year old and she was put in a group home and one day she bumps into her mom and
at first Ariel didn't know that she was her daughter because it had been about
seven years or so.
Most of my stories are mother and daughter stories.
My name is Emily and I am 12 and I am asking if there will please be a The
Little Mermaid III
Emily, I believe there will indeed be a TLM3, probably within two to three years, but unfortunately, it'll not be on the big screen. It's set for a DVD release only.
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
somene had a idea about ariel eric and melody becoming mermaids and
live in the sea i was thinking that melody and that merguy she met in the second
one would fall in love and marry and the villan would be ursula and morgana's
mom. and also learn about what happened to ariels mom and learn more about erics
background because in the first one they talked all about ariel in the second
one it was all about melody we need more info on eric.
That's an interesting point.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
I have always wanted eric to turn into a murman. That would be great.
Now that would be a twist
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I agree, hopefully, we'll find out more. We sure would all like to know more about her.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I think that maybe TLM3 could be about a future adventure of Melody,
and Ariel. Something like a place where they are exploring under the sea, (maybe
King Triton gave them a way to change from human to mermaid by themswlves?,) and
they come up on a cave-type thing where they learn the truth about Ariel's
mother. Like a shrine kinda' thing. I think that that might be cool
Ariel FanAddict
Ariel FanAddict
Thank you
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Until Ariel found an ancent ruin near the palace. Which told her of a
threat to the merpeople and her daughter so she had to find 12 new allies for
her to defeat this threat(that can be created by Ariel's evil twin Ogla).
Ariel's evil twin ??!! Now that's creative
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
i think that the best way to go about this(a prequel)and make everybody
happy would be to start where it left off, with melody. they made her in the
story and i guess we'll have to live with it, so why not make it the best?
we'll start out with melody, now knowing of her ancestry, asking ariel some
questions about growing up a mermaid, how she met eric, and all that jazz.
it'll be a typical flash back, combining the classic with the not-so-classic
tlm2 while adding some more traditional ariel for the big fans :)
(p.s.-i'm jumping outta my seat with the news of tlm3!!)
Well, whichever way it goes, it'll be nice to see Ariel in a new adventure once again
Friday, May 6, 2005
King Triton had also a son, prince Proteus, but he was taken away from
the kingdom, because he was the only heir to the throne, and Triton had to
protect him from Ursula. Ursula had two children, a very beautiful and kind
daughter, called Marilyn and an ugly and malicious son, called Octavius. When
Marilyn would meet Proteus by luck many years later, they would fall in love,
but Octavius would try to stop their love story.(I think Marilyn should be
yellow-skinned, with blue eyes-something between her mother's and Ariel's- and
pink lipstick. Her hair could be like Morgana's but black. She could also wear
her mother's purple earrings. Octavious should be skinny, ugly, with green eyes
and devil-like hair.) Ariel also could have a brother, but, because he was the only heir to the throne he was taken
away from Atlantica at the age of 3 to be protected from Ursula's threat. After
many years ,the prince would return to Atlantica, to know who he really is, and
he would meet Marilyn by chance. And they would fall in love. But Octavious
would have other plans...
Wow, that's cool... and thanks to everyone else for so many GREAT ideas!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I am also a HUGE Ariel fan, and I'm sure a lot of people are. But
that's what I'm saying. We all love ARIEl. I remember I was in the fifth grade
when TLM2 came out. I was so excited! But you know what got me down. The fact
that 1: she was a parent 2: you didn't see her loving personality anymore and
3: it was all about Melody. I always secretly hoped that if they made TLM3 it
would be all about Ariel. With beautiful orchestras and music and a excellent
story with suspense and drama. With TLM3 bring traditional animators,
storywriters, and make the story BIG! P.S. don't forget we need romance.
You have it exactly right. I was disappointed a bit with TLM2 for the same reason... the focus was simply not on Ariel.
Oh well, I guess we take what we can get
Sunday, April 17, 2005
I think the idea for a prequel, as I'm sure you have heard,is a good
idea.However, we have had Ariel as the main character already, and she would be
too young for a main protagonist.Concentrating on Andromeda I think would be
better.The reason for Triton's absolute protectiveness could be that Ariel
looks,sings, or maybe her adventerous side is very like her mother's. I also
think that having the story set mainly on land would take alot of the magic
away, as it did for me in TLM2.( Melody wore a vest under water, whatever
happened to the traditional shells?!)To make this work the film would have to be
as visually and musically beautiful as the first, two issues I feel were feebly
tackled in the LM2.Personally the first shot of Atlantica in the originel LM I
found was breath-taking, not only because of animation and music, but because it
was something I'd never seen before,which is why maybe we could do with a
different setting to begin with, or a different kind
of old Atlantica.For example, maybe Atlantica in war time before peace was
restored, or a more magnificent city of old before it was tingued by Ursula.Also
the colours in TLM were darker, more mysterious and generally less happy clappy.
PLEASE can we not have another ridiculous TLM2.I know it is a children's film,
but the original appealed to adults as well as children, unlike the second.
I think the major reason why TLM was so popular with both was because we had
a sense of the original fairytale, a strong backbone for any version.So I think
referring to the original text,like when she dies and dissolves to foam (could
be used for death of Andromeda), would restore alot of the magic and visual
I understand it must mainly appeal to children and cannot have too many dark
issues of death,but if you remember the book, it is comfoting as she becomes a
spirit of the sky and must protect children of the earth.
If we look at the two different worlds of land and sea, we see Atlantica as a
place much more to do with peace, and in the modern day Triton's real fear of
humans would be based on the human desire to parade. Maybe Andromeda was
captured by humans who did not kill her but treated her as an animal, something
you may see in a zoo, due to the treachory of jealous Ursula? Obviously you
cannot use ideas from the internet for legal reasons so I will try to find an
address to write to, maybe you could give me one? I don't honestly expect to be
taken very seriously but hopefully some of my comments may help. Good luck.
Very well thought out, Han, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I wish I had an address to pass along
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Personally, I think (and I'm sorry if this has already been
mentioned...^^:) that the only idea that would be anywhere near as good as the
first movie is if they went into the past. Like what happened to Ariel's
mother (that's an often wondered question that Ariel always seems oblivious
too). Maybe, perhaps, Ariel's mother was killed by humans when she was young
and that's why Triton hates them so much. Or, maybe, she was killed by Ursula
herself and that's why Ursula's was banished. I'm already starting a fanfic
about my ideas on that (it's mainly about Ursula's past), so...
But I have a feeling that there definitely will be a TLM3 when the Platinum
Edition comes out (most likely next year). That's what seems to be happening
with all the other popular movies. They've gained trilogies. And, since I
heard there was to be a Cinderella 3 (THE HORROR! o_O) with the release of
Cinderella in October, there's a definite possibility of the same happening
with TLM. Although I think the sequel might have more to do with Ursula's
mother and Melody's obvious love interest (the blonde mermaid, or merman [--;],
who looks so much like that blonde prince from earlier in the movie).
Yes, it's almost unanimous to have TLM3 give us a back-story on Ariel and her Mother.
Thanks for the input, Michael.
Friday, March 4, 2005
Instead of just ariel and the rest of her sisters how about ariel
having a twin sister named Annabella!
Hmmm, kind of like a spinoff, but if Ariel did have a twin sister, we would probably already have known about her Thanks for writing, Melodia
Friday, March 4, 2005
Funny about all the Andromeda references 'cause I too am working on a
prequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! basically it starts off before the concert in which Ariel
is prenested!
That's cool!!
3 March 2005
First of all, let me appologize for not having updated this page in like forever. It's been a while since I've had time to reply to all the emails I've received concerning the TLM3 ideas.
I'm still very enthusiastic about this project, so I'm always happy to respond to any and all ideas
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I Like To Say Is That The Little Mermaid 3 Is Going To Be A Big Hit.
I'm Sure Of It
Music to my ears, Andy
Monday, January 3, 2005
It should be where Ariel meets Flounder. A shark is after Flounder, and
is rescued by a "bigger fish" He thinks Ariel will eat him. But he learns she
is a friendly young mermaid. He and Ariel have many adventures, meeting a crab
named Sebastian, and Flounder is stuck in a shark's mouth. Ariel finds pepper
in a shipwreck and sprinkles it in the water. The shark sneezes, and Flounder is
free! He must save Ariel and prove bravery when she is afraid to leap off. He
finally rescues her, and bravery goes to his head, and Ariel slaps himout of it.
Hey, thanks for the cool ideas, unfortunately, the 'Ariel meets Flounder' has already been done on an episode of the series
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Personally I think that the script that is shown above is suitable 4
the prequel of TLM. i dont think that the TLM3 would be nice without
romance......so i think eric should show up in TLM3.
I think you have a REALLY good point there about the romance thing. I wonder if Eric, as a younger prince could have possibly met Ariel and then maybe had his memory erased at some point... hmmm, definately something to consider
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Hello Mike!!
About the prequel to TLM, it would be great. However, I'm a little bit lost. I
was reading some of the feedbacks in the forum, and couldn't help to notice
that one of them mentions a song that Aquata sings to Ariel and Ariel sings to
Melody. Which song is that? Is it the one from the beggining of TLM 2? I would
also like to know, when is The Little Mermaid Platinum Edition coming
specifically? Thanks for your response and congrats on your page. It's really
fantastic and covers all the Little Mermaid details. I really like it.
Ariel Fan David
Hi there and thanks for writing As for the song mentioned in the forum, that must be another version written by someone else.
I'm sorry I don't know the song you're referring to, so you might want to post the question at the LittleAriel Forum.
As for the Platinum Edition, I've heard that it will be out later this year. Also, I very much appreciate your kind words... have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I'm Going To Say Is That The Little Mermaid 3 Is Going To Be The
Biggest Hit Ever I Just Know It.
It Arrives I'm Going To Enjoy It That's For Sure.
I love your enthusiasm, Andy. I like to think that there will eventually be a TLM3, nut realistically, unless there's a big movement to do it, I don't think Disney will. The poor effort on TLM2, and resulting audience disappointment, has probably put the project, if there ever was one, on indefinate hold.
Still, we can hope and dream about it
Monday, December 20, 2004
I love your page. I never knew there are others like me out there. I am a true
Ariel- phile. Is that how you say it?
Anyway, I think that a prequel will be a bloody brilliant idea. I think that Melody
should come home from a first date all moony eyed and dreamy And ask "What was
Atlantica like when you were younger?" to her mother Ariel.
Ariel would launch into the story about how boring and dull it was when she was
in love with Eric. But seeing the sad reaction on Meoldy's face she would then
tell the tale of her childhood.
How her Mother died. All Ariel remmebers is her Mother and Father taking her to
the surface for a look at the sunset and then Ursula in her mad despair at being
stripped of her title and laughed out of Atlantica comes on a fishing vessel
nets being casts and Ariels mom dropping her into the sea as the Astonished
fishermen gape at the wounded merwoman. Ariels mother is bleeding from getting a
great gash from being entwined in heavy voils of harsh thick rope and her
struggle to get out.
They see Triton and lower the merwoman down to the water for him but she fades
quickly. The next day the Queen is dead and Triton hardens his heart to the
The next day a great storm arises from nowhere destroying a galleon the sinking
pieces of the ship show that it is the kings leisure boat and that the King of
the Coast is dead. This shows how Eric grows up without a father. Show Eric
about 5 years old grieving for his father enamored and fearful of the sea
determining to conquer it as his Father could not.
Then show young Ariel growing up meeting Flounder (Guppy#35) and how Sebastiean
a youthfulk virtuoso became entrusted with tthe care of Tritons prized pearl,
Ariel. He tries to make her mind her lessons and practice her Scales yet she
manages to traipse off into the wild colors and bustling crowds of Atlantica.
Then Ariel is interrupted by pebbles being thrown onto Melody's balcony. Her
merman boyfriend serenades her as Ariel smiles gently in the shadows of
Melody's doorway. Eric gently kisses the top of Ariels head as he comes up
behind her and says Remembrer What that was like? ariel answers Only You
couldn't sing for Anything.
Tyhe next day They are on the big rock where Ariel always was in the First
movieand Ariel fiishes the tale with Melody's bf coming up to them and handing
Melody a ring as they are playing around
Leave the answer unknown so that we all can dream
Hi there and thanks for taking the time to write :)
Yes it's true, there are many many of us out there. Check out LittleAriel Forum for a lot more
Thanks also for the stroy idea. It's been on the back burner for a while and I'm not sure when I'm going to revive it, but when I do, I'll give it my all.
Hope you and yours have a GREAT Ariel holiday season!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
as much as i drool over the idea,
Problem1:ariel already lost most of her charm becoming a parent(like a certain
simba in some other sequel) do we really want her any older? she is the only
disney princess w/children!!
Problem2:W/the exception of maleficent& the queen from snow white, ursula is one
of the best damn disney villains ever(&probably the only one w/a sense of
humor). morganna didnt cut it.
Problem3:what about founder & sebastion?they barely had any role in TLM2. i love
those guys.
got it??????
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Only a thought but I was thinking Ursula could be in love with Triton
but wanted his power even more. Only being jealous that he married someone else.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
I think for a plot twist that Ursula turns out to be Ariel's mother.
Think about it.
Now that WOULD be a twist!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
It should be a prequel. after all it would be interesting to see
tritons family including the late wife and ursulas origins because a little
mermaid movie W/out ursula SUCKS. u saw tlm2.
i've abunch more ideas to share w/you but i cant at the moment. sea ya
Ariel's boyfriend
That seems to be the general consesus that it should indeed be a prequel. You're right about Ursula... she definately needs to be there! Sea ya too
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Have baby ariel sea her mother dying
Also give info on other characters like flounder & sebastion make it so they are
more than ariels friends
Ariel's boyfriend
Sounds good!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
1st of all, make it that triton inherited the trident. 2nd add history
of ursula. where did she come from & things like that
Good points... I'll work on that
Sunday, September 12, 2004
i dont no if this idea has been suggested but im following someone
else's idea on ursula and human's working together. Maybe ursula lured some
humans on a boat (most probably sailers :P) and put a spell on them, turned them
into underwater breathing humans and in some way used them to attack
triton/ariel's mother or the kingdom in general. possibly eric's father could
have been one of the sailors?
i think this is a great idea guys! keep up the good work! :)
Thanks so much for your input. I'll consider your ideas
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
so after reading most of all of your e-mails about a TLM 3. I honestly
think it wouldnt be that great of an idea...W/ Disney most of thier 2nd movies
arnt all taht great..ok well they are just bad...When they had TLM 2 it was bad
as well....they should leave it wheer it is at and just wait for it to come back
out...I think they should have left it w/ just the first one...but that just
me....but dont get me wrong i love TLM believe me i drive my family nuz but
thats just my opinion
Thanks Amy.
I agree that Disney doesn't have a good track record when it comes to 2nd and 3rd installments. They would really have to pull out all the stops to make a TLM 3 project work. Then, and only then, would I want to see it. Having to sit through a TLM3 that wasn't at least B+, would be a HUGE disappointment.
We can only hope for the VERY best from Disney if they do it.
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Friday, July 30, 2004
i guess i'm a little skeptical about TLM3 ever become an actual movie,
and also a little afraid it would tarnish the record of TLM. True, TLM 2 wasn't
the best, but it didn't completely flop. The outline is excellent, but one or
two things cauht my attention.
#1. If Ursula and Morgana plotted together, how did Morgana come to hate her
sister so?
#2. What about Andromeda and Ariel's mother/daughter relationship? I know
sometimes the youngest child seems to be more spoiled (i am one!), and so
perhaps Andromeda lets Ariel get away with things her older sisters weren't
allowed. Possibly Ariel is out finding her treasures, when SHE, not Aquata, saw
the disaster of her mother being taken away.
#3. if Andromeda is caught in a fisherman's net, how does the world of
merpeople stay hidden? why would it still be considered a tall tale? What if
Andromeda was caught in the net, entangled and strangled, and dying as they hual
up the net. Here Ursula, who would NEVER have done this on purpose, (her words,
not mine) cuts her body loose, and carries it to the palace, and blames it all
on the humans. She didn't realize that Ariel (or Aquata, whatever you wish) has
seen it all and told her father the truth. this would account for the
fishermen's tales about merpeople, but no accounted proof.
#4. well, actually, i think that 3 is enough. Thanks for letting me share my
Hello Erin!!#1 Sibling rivalry maybe? #2 I think that's an excellent idea!! It would help explain why Ariel seems to be the only one that's so independant #3 BRILLIANT!! #4 Erin, thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to write and share your ideas... they are strong and I would like to incorporate them in the outline
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Hi Ariel How Are You, I Like To Say Is That The Little Mermaid 3. Is
Going To Be A Biggest Hit Ever, I'm Going To Enjoy It. I've Been Watching The Little Mermaid ALL The Time, You
Are Spectacular Swimmer. Flounder Is The Greatest, Sebastain He Is Wonderful
I'm Enjoying The Pictures Of Ariel At LittleAriel.com. It's A SPLASH.
Friday, July 16, 2004
i agree with mermaid kelly, on the idea of a prequel explaining al,l
those aspects! i don't know if anyone suggested this already or not, but i
think that ariel's mother should have been tricked by someone(the vilain in
this story)and caught by humans and that's why triton hates them so much.
maybe it could be like a flashback movie, and for the first half of the movie,
ariel could be telling eric and melody(even though i don't really like melody
that much, but i won't get into that)about her childhood/past and then the
second half could be ariel going back underwater to face the vilain who tricked
her mom into getting caught by the humnans. it would be a cool way to explain
everything, and we could see some really cool underwater mermaid ariel
scenes!(that's the only thing about the 2nd tlm that i liked, and the animation
was awsome)
Hello Erik, and thanks for your reply. I'll add your ideas to the collective pool of thoughts on this subject.
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Friday, June 25, 2004
I would LOVE a Little Mermaid prequel!!! It would be great to show
Ariel and her sisters when they were young, we already have a good idea on what
Ariel would look like because of all the "baby princess" merchandise! Also
explaining what happened with Ariel's mother, as well as Triton's hate for
humans is a wonderful idea! I think baby Flounder and Sebastian should be
included in the prequel too, and also that Ariel should be shown during the
majority of the movie...the part with Triton, Ursula, and Andromeda should just
be the introduction of the movie (like Eric's ship was the introduction of the
original Little Mermaid). I don't like the idea that Triton should be shown as
a boy, with the gods and goddesses (that could be a whole different story!) he
should just be shown as king, when his wife gets captured, and in the events
afterwards. Overall though I like the outline so far...it just needs a LOT more
Ariel!!!! We need to see her playful and curious ways as a toddler,
and how she is blossoming into a sweet young girl and eventually
how she becomes the human-adoring teenager we all love!!!
Disney is making a lot of sequals, especially around the time the originals come
to dvd! The Little Mermaid is currently expected for her platinum dvd around
fall 2006, and with the exception of Snow white, Disney seems to be making their
platinum films so far trillogies (three movies!). Beauty and the Beast was
considered a trillogy with the original, the Enchanted Christmas, and Belle's
Magical World. The Lion King became a trillogy with the original, the 1 1/2, and
2-Simba's Pride. Also, I've gotten word that a Cinderella 3 is currently in
the works to come out around the time that the Cinderella Platinum dvd comes out
(fall 2005) to make Cinderella a trillogy as well. So I think a Little Mermaid 3
is definately a future project for Disney!!! If we want out ideas to be used, we
should sent them to Disney soon (if someone knows how to contact Disney). The
Little Mermaid 3 could be arriving late 2006 or early 2007!!!
Mermaid Kelly
You have a LOT of really GREAT points, Kelly! I fully agree with you that we need a lot of Ariel, and also including a side story about Sebastian would be a very good idea. Including Flounder as a "guppy" along the way would be excellent.
I think we really need to re-identify with that threesome.I sure hope you're right about a third TLM... unfortunately, I don't think Disney would ever use a story written on the internet for legal reasons. But we can all hope that Disney will be motivated enough to pursue a Prequel for TLM if they ever do decide to continue the adventure. Thanks again VERY much for your input and ideas, it's those like you and all other TLM fans who will keep this Disney dream alive for a LONG time to come
Sunday, May 30, 2004
When I was young I loved the Little Mermaid and still do! A good idea
is that Melody could fall in love with the merboy she did in number 2 so maybe
she could turn into a mermaid and have adventures in the sea! Another good idea
is she could have friends on land! And at the ending or in the middle of the
movie they could show her futuer as mom and a mermaid!
P.S. They could even show
Ariel and Eric as grandparents!
Hello Keith, and thanks very much for you email.
Thanks for you ideas too!
As a consensus, I think it was pretty much decided that the next installment of TLM should be a "Prequel", so we could perhaps learn more about the early days.
I think for sure Melody would play a leading role in any fourth installment, so let's just hope there are more on the way. All we can do is hope :)
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
I'm a huge Ariel fan, and I would really love that a new TLM movie
were out. I started reading the possible script for TLM 3 shown above, and it's
really interesting. One thing that would be cool is if the movie was made in
computers, like Toy Story, or Monsters, Inc. As for the site, it's really cool.
I liked it a lot. Very organized, and has every detail. I loved it. Good luck,
and Thanks.
Ariel Fan David
Well, hello David! Thanks for the GREAT review of LittleAriel.com
I like the idea of a computer animated version of any new installment, but a lot of TLM fans would cringe at the idea, for them, traditional animation is the ONE and ONLY. Unfortunately, in this day and age, hoping for a traditional type effort from Disney, would be like hoping for world peace
Thanks again for writing, and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Friday, April 23, 2004
Hi, I saw your LM3 outline and all the ideas and thought i'd
contribute myself. I think it would be great if they did a LM3 and have a good
story to it, since LM2 was ok, but could have been much more better. I grew up
watching the original and the TV show, so having a fun and interesting
prequel/sequel would be great.
Some of the points i wold like to sugest is:
1. maybe both ursula and morgana can be of a different kind than merpeople,
maybe merwitches or something of the like (thus explaining their tails) that are
usually despised by merpeople and Triton accepts them in the court nonetheless
because he wants to stop this hatred towards their kind and believes ursula to
be a good person.
2. Andromeda should be perhaps half human or even human (a good twist for the
story) and instead of ursula killing her of, she could have lured some humans
(of the not so nice kind) into atlantica so they can help her take andromeda
back to the human world forcefully. King triton may think she is dead because
of this humans and ursula his hate towards humans, which could be better than
just having her killed by a fisherman's net or something. Ursula would try to
trick him into believing that andromeda abandoned him.
3. Last point would serve for having Ariel's arc, Melody would ask her of her
grandmother, which our favorite mermaid doesn't really know much since the
subject troubles Triton so much. This would unleash a mother and daughter (and
Eric too!! would love to see him with a tail) search for information that would
be both underwater and on land (once they realice it was humans who "killed"
4. In this way, the story could be told as a series of flash backs, flash
forwards that make the storytelling more dynamic than a single person telling
the story.
5. In the end they could find Andromeda is still alive and well ond the
surface, and in the best Little Mermaid style recognise her by her song, which
Aquata sang Ariel when they were little girls. Ariel finds out that her mother
never returned to the sea because Ursula had cursed her and if she ever came
back Triton and her daughters would die, of course with Ursula death the curse
has no more effect and finally Triton and Andromeda reunite with the love of
their lives.
6. Come to think of it, Ariel's mother song could be the whole trigger of the
story, since Ariel sings it to Melody as Aquata sang it to her and maybe her
faint memory recalls her mother singing that song, but that's about all she
knows about her mother and the past of king Triton and Ursula and Atlantica in
general (remember Ariel as a kid cared more about the human world and having
adventures than the lore of her kingdom).
Well, those are my suggestions, I hope you find them interesting. On a side
note, I don't know if you know, but there is these relatively new anime (it's
just a year old in japan and is just starting to be fansubbed) called Mermaid
Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch which is of course about mermaids who fight the
bishonen forces of evil with their songs. Maybe it's a little far fetched, but
if this show gets attention in the US, maybe disney would be interested in doing
more Little Mermaid, you know capitalize on a trend.
surfer girl Kalani
Thank you very much for your well thought out ideas. Japan does seem to be the leader on animation lately. Who knows...
Tuesday, March 2, 2004
You know that disney did The Lion King 1 1/2 Timons and Pumbas side of
the of the story so why not The Little Mermaid 1 1/2 Prince Eric's side of the
That's an interesting idea.. you mean, spin some tales of his life at sea before he met Ariel? Maybe one day, you never know
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Anthony Gray Im Deaf!
I Like a Mergirls and Merboys and Mermaid and Merman. When Movie disney Little Mermaid 3
Sadly, Anthony, I don't think Disney will be making a TLM3 any time soon. That's why we're trying to come up with a good story of our own
Wed, 21 Jan 2004
I think it would be a gr8 idea for TLM3. I'd love to see more films. But let's hope it will better than TLM2, which wasn't a flop, but was still nowhere near as good as TLM. Also, the songs are something to think about. I wrote a song for Ariel to sing. It wasn't made specifically or anything, I was just on the computer one day and I typed it up. I know it's rubbish, oh well I tried.
Different World
Tell me something I don’t know
Show me something I’ve never seen
Ask me a question I’ve never been asked
Take me to a place I’ve never been
I know everything about, the world around me
I’d like to see something new
Take me to a different world
Change me into a different girl
Because I don’t want to be
Myself any longer
Take me to a different world
Show me something other than fishes and pearls
I don’t want to live, under the sea
I heard about a world, I heard about a place
Where every single girl has her own space
Humans, they call these strange people
Who have feet instead of fins
I know everything about, the world around me
I’d like to see something new
Take me to a different world
Change me into a different girl
Because I don’t want to be
Myself any longer
Take me to a different world
Show me something other than fishes and pearls
I don’t want to live, under the sea
I don’t care where
I don’t care how
Just get me out of this world right now!
Can I be a different girl
Let my new life unfurl
Just take me to a different world.
It's on the same basis as 'Part of Your World' really. I haven't thought about the tune yet, but let me know what you think of it.
Hi Mergirl, and thanks for the GREAT email!
Your dedication to the world of Ariel reminds me of my own 
I love the fact you created a set of lyrics because I like writing songs myself, so I can appreciate your imagination. I think, however, that Ariel didn't really desperately want to never be a mermaid again. I believe she wanted to go exploring somewhere she'd never been before, probably for the purposes of discovering new things in a whole different world.
P.S., sorry for the late reply, but your email ended up in the "Junk Mail" folder which I don't check that often becuase it's usually junk. It's always a pleasant surprise when there's whenever I find a GREAT letter like yours
Monday, January 19, 2004
NO! No no no no no!!! TLM three?! I know that many Arielholics are
supportive of the idea, but has anyone thought of the content of a third movie?
First off, I suppose there's the movie quality. Disney sequels, prequels,
etcetera are always badly animated and have poor special effects. That isn't
what would bother me, though. What about Ariel? She's the headstring,
heartsick, yourning teenager that we love, and would we really want to see her
as a grandmother? Her spirit smouldering spirit would be dimmed to an ember and
her grace and fluid movements would be dulled. To be more materialistic, her
hair would no longer be the flaming red that we all love.I would be supportive
of a prequel that shows the beginning of Ariel's passion for humans, but I
don't like the idea of a third TLM.
Willow the Wisp
Hello Willow, and thanks for your response.
Any new TLM film would ultimately be known as "TLM 3" even if it were a prequel.
My idea to entitle it "Atlantica" might be a good one, but I'm sure it would ultimately contain the TLM moniker anyway: "The Little Mermaid 3: Atlantica" or "Atlantica: The Little Mermaid 3".
Of course, I agree with you that we should see, in any next installment, how everything came about that led up to TLM, and especially how our favorite red-head grew to be the young free spirit she turned out to be
Friday, January 2, 2004
Have't heard from me in a while eh? Anyways, Disney was throwing out all
the production artists boards from the studios. They were all planning to make
future disney movies all in 3-D. What we should do is make up a script.
Completely original, (not alot of people do prequels, so this is a good
oppurtunity to jumpstart disney)I don't think havng a prequel to TLM in CGI or
in pixar format is really necessary. It should be an original cel painted film
just like the first.
What i'm trying to say is that a follow-up of melody's adventures would be
considered 'BSL'or 'bad story line' and wouldn't quite fit in seeing as to TLM 2
ended like it was all over, ad it wouldn't make sense to follow it up. Besides,
seeing prequels is fun, did you see that crowd at the opening of "Star Wars
attack of the clones"?
Great comments Ariel, now if only I had more time to devote to writing..
December 2, 2003 4:00 PM
When Ariel has Melody, and when Melody grows up, have Melody marry
someone from underwater, (the boy she meets in the movie) and have twin
daughters. One is in love with the ocean, and one with the land. The one in
love with the ocean is named Harmony, and the one who is in love with the land,
is named Alastar. Then they go through a difficult adventure, and it includes
both the twins, Melody, and Ariel.
Thanks for this great idea Seastar. That would make a nice followup to TLM2, however, a poll was conducted at LittleAriel Forum and the overwhelming majority would like to see a "Prequel" to TLM.. so I'm thinking a story like yours might fit in very well, but probably best after a Prequel explaining how everything in Ariel's world came about in the first place
Wed, 19 Nov 2003
OMG! They should definetly make a tlm3! It should be like Melody gets
to stay with her gandpa and she turns back into a mermaid and falls in love with
a merman!
Huge Ariel Fan!
Hello Huge Ariel Fan! Well, after several polls, most TLM fans would like to see a "Prequel" showing what happened before TLM1.
You can visit the LittleAriel Forum and check it out , oh, and feel free to join us if you haven't already
Sat, 15 Nov 2003
The little Mermaid part 3 or 4?
Once Melody unites the merpeople with the humans, remember she bumps into that
blonde merboy? (a couple of times) Does the boy look familiar? Urchins boy.
He will fall in love with Melody and conflict will once again arise. meanwhile,
Ariel begins to have some disturbing dreams. Her mother is in her dreams and is
calling for her. Ariel speaks to Aquata who is really the only one who saw what
happened to their mother first hand...
Anyway, that's how i see it, and it does fit...
Thanks Kate, I very much appreciate your input 
I look forward to writing my own version of a possible TLM3 and would deeply encourage anyone to write up a tale as well.
Mon, 10 Nov 2003
As a huge Ariel fan I would love to see a little mermaid 3. There
could be 10 little mermaid movies and I would be excited about every one. What
I think would be kind of cool is if they did a movie with all of the characters
(princes and princes), and the setting was in modern times. Back to The Little
mermaid 3, I am keeping my fingers crossed : )
Hello Dani,
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for TLM3 too
We can always hope. I plan on getting around to writing the version posted at LittleAriel real soon so hang in there. If we can't get a film, maybe we can at least get a story
Mon, 6 Oct 2003
Hello again! I was wondering if Disney has any plans for a Little Mermaid 3. I would
also like to know if you know of any links to stories about Ariel and Melody.
Please let me know. Thanks.
the explorer
Actually, I plan on adding a link to TLM Fanart VERY soon so stay tuned 
As for TLM 3, I think there are NO Disney plans for this at all. Very sad for us.
Oh, and good to see you on the LittleAriel Forum!!
Sun, 5 Oct 2003
Little Mermaid 3 has a good chance!!!!!! Hi. I was watching the news when i came across that Disney will be
making a Prequil to (the Lion King. Taking place after the 1st movie) So since
everyone in the world loves The Little Mermaid, i think The Little Mermaid 3 has
a good chance!
An Ariel Fan
I would love to believe that Disney would try their best to create a TLM3, but unfortunately, I think there just isn't enough interest to make it profitable.
Sat, 20 Sep 2003
Try To figure out what will happen in the Little Mermaid 3. Like What
Eric would think of being turned into a mermaid and how much he likes it under
the sea and if he wants to stay and for ariel and melody and all the people in
his house to join him. Wouldn't that be so cool!well Bye!
Hmmm, that might be a good idea for TLM-4 !!
Sat, 23 Aug
I don't remember reading that Ursula and Triton were siblings; the differences in their tail sections make me wonder if they shared only one parent! That could add an unexpected twist to the tale; was Triton's mother caught by fisherman, leading him to remarrying and having more children? Did Ursula get the idea of how to get rid of Andromeda by what happened to Trton's mother? Was Ursula jealous of her older half-brother's coronation? Perhaps his mother's death is yet another reason for Triton to be so protective of his daughters? Not a likely route now, though, since the introduction of Morgana and the lack of father references made, but maybe it could work since Ursula's father has not been set in stone in the existing features. There could be a whole backstory on Triton, Ursula, and Morgana having to grow up together where we could explore how they ended up to being good or evil. Maybe Ursula and Morgana's mother was bent on taking over the kingdom herself and eventually handed the deed over to Ursula on her deathbed. This would explain Morgana's jealousy of Ursula and why she keeps trying to prove herself to "ma" in the sequel.
I'm picky; story comes first but I want great visuals to boot. The lush look of full Disney-style animation isn't a requirement for me when it comes to a cartoon (although it's a plus!); I just want something pleasing/interesting to look at. That's why I never got into something like the Aladdin TV series. Maybe I missed out on some interesting stories, but after seeing the movie, the animation of the TV series and OAV's broke my heart.
Something I think that the Little Mermaid sequel missed out on was what it would be like for a human (used to living on land all her life) to be able to breathe underwater and defy gravity. The "For a Moment" song didn't really touch the feeling it would have to give you. As I said before, I like the Melody character, and I wish something better could have been done with the overall story. And Eric didn't seem to be concerned with anything other than the time!
Sunset Girl
All very interesting thoughts. I'll have to check on that "ma" reference.
Fri, 22 Aug
This is getting interesting. I used to worry a lot about what had happened to Ariel's mother when the movie first came out!
Call me crazy, but I could actually picture this idea in CGI. Disney wants to do remakes of their classics in CGI anyway, so why not tell a different story with one of them? As long as Ariel and the other characters are designed the same in 3-D. They shouldn't try to make them photo-realistic or anything too stylized. I'm picturing the pallette of the secret grotto sequences of the original and drooling at the possibilities of how that could applied elsewhere with the rendering of a mermaid's hair, eyes, and fins! Think of how they could catch the light of a character like that underwater, like what Pixar did with Little Nemo. This could be done very poorly, or this could be gorgeous!
Sunset Girl
Exactly what I've been trying to get across...
It would be GORGEOUS! ( If it were done right anyway ).
It would really need a magnificent story to carry it though...
doing the best we can, but I know it's a LONGSHOT at best that Disney would EVER pick up something that was conceived online.. LOL!!!
But we can still dream, right
Walt did and it came true.
Fri, 22 Aug 2003
Ok, why is it only ursula who had the octopus tail? Maybe you could say
that Ursula was pretty and slim the other time. Then when she was being
banished, Triton how she looked, including her mermaid tail and became a
half-octopus. So, she set up her own lair and and one day, while going out to do
her stuff, she met morgana and morgana's mother. Ursula saw that they were of
the same species she had seen so far, offered them to take her in. (btw, Morgana
and her mother were on a trip) She of course explained everything and sweet
talked Morgana's mother. Morgana's mother finally accepted her and Ursula
offered them to stay in her lair during their trip. During those few days,
Ursula always acted nice in front of Mother but not Morgana. And mother always
praised Ursula. (That explains why morgana hates Ursula that much..) But during
those says, Ursula told them about Triton and everything. Including that
powerful trident of Triton's.. Morgana of course wanted the trident too...
(can fit in some plans and arguings here) Soon, two weeks later,
Moragan and her mother went back to their icy home where Morgana thought of her plan
and got Undertow (You can say that Undertow appeared in LM1! the part where Ariel
explores the sunken ship then meets him.) Of course, Morgana transformed
Undertow and made a few changes first before sending him all the way there. And
Undertow was the messenger to Morgana about what's happening in Atlantica..
Anyway, this is just some imgaination!
Hey B.J., thanks!! Nicely thought out I'm sure there'll have to be some expansion on the Morgana/Ursula story.
Fri, 22 Aug
Its great but I think the story should also show ursula's mother, the
formation of Flotsam and Jetsam and how did Sebastian became Triton's adviser.
I think that instead of taking away Andromeda in a fisher mans net you could take
it as this:
One day when Andromeda was walking in her favourite garden the pirates attacked
on prince eric's ship (who was then a young boy). Andromeda tried to get away but
a bomb landed before her. She could'nt bear this and fell unconscious. Ursula who
at that time was walking by saw her but she rushed of ignoring her. When Triton
came to know about this he ran over to her but it was too late because a sunken
ship (the pirates one) struck her.Ariel who at that time was playing at the
surface met Eric but forced by the guards and was taken away. That's why Ariel
became attatched to that place and went there often to collect things. Sebastion
who had informed King Triton about his wife told him that Ursula ignored the
Queen and went away. This made him very angry and he banished her. After this,
Sebastian was made King Triton's adviser. After this Ursula secretly trapped
some merfolk to test her magic potions on them. With the magic she learnt from
her mother she created flotsam and jetsam so that she could have an eye on tritons family.
Ursula's mother, who at that time was dying, took promise from her daughters
that they will destroy Triton as he made their lives miserable. Morgana hated
Ursula because their mother only taught her the magic spells.
As Ariel grew up she found that her father hates human so she made a new friend
Flounder, so that he can help her in her misadventures.....It will also be
great to show the concert (where ariel is not present).
Thanks Pearl  You bring up an important point regarding Flotsam, Jetsam and Sebastian... and maybe even establish Ursula's/Morgana's Mother.Would anyone like to create a few entries about that for the Atlantica outline?
Thu, 21 Aug 2003
The out line was great but was lacking one important thing..... ARIEL.
If only we could work her into the story line some more... she is in fact why we
all want this movie to happen. However I think everyone is working wonderfully
together and creating quite the story. But do not forget the little mermaid
herself. Maybe you could put a bit more about ariel and he mothers relationship.
Well keep up the good work and never give up dreaming!
Thanks Krys, oh, and you may not have noticed the * ( A few misadventures would fit in well here... ) part of the outline I completely agree that Ariel should be a definate part of the story.
Wed, 20 Aug 2003
What if Ursula had somehow tricked Andromeda and led her to be caught
by the fisherman? That kills two birds with one stone: Ursula's banishment
from the kingdom and Triton's hatred of all things human are then explained. I
can picture Andromeda being fascinated with the dry world of above and wanting
to make peace with the "fish eaters." Ursula, as a trusted member of the
royal court, secretly offers her "help" to do so, both knowing that Triton
would never understand.Ursula takes advantage of the opportunity to get her
out of the way. Perhaps she could cozy her way up to becoming queen for the
grieving king before finding a way to dispose of him as well?Besides the fact
that Triton could never fall for the likes of Ursula, he learns the truth about
her role in Andromeda's disappearance.Ursula claims it was an accident and
that she was only trying to help, but that doesn't keep her from being
banished. Triton does everything he can to protect his daughters from Ursula and those dangerous barbaric fish-eaters from above. And
for Ursula, it would be poetic justice if Ariel's love for humans would prove
to be Triton's downfall!
Sunset Girl
I sure do like the idea of Ursula tricking Andromeda. Look for that one in the outline when I update it
Sun, 17 Aug 2003
A story about when Ariel come out of the water and Eric kissed her. Instead of
going right to the wedding it can show Eric asking Ariel to marry him and going
back to the castle together. Also their first night together with Ariel's voice
back to tell Eric everything about her life and the wedding can be shown in it's
Basically the last 5 minutes of "The Little Mermaid" expanded, right? It's really too bad Disney didn't add more detail there. Sure was a lot of room for it and I wouldn't have minded watching for another 20-30 minutes
Sun, 17 Aug 2003
ok so how about this... since ursula has to have a beginning just like
everyone else why not have her setup a trap for Andromeda to get caught by the
fisherman because ursula thought that she would be queen but instead she was
banished from the kingdom, you know somehow work around this.
Hi Missy, that is absolutely a GREAT idea!!
It would sure add a little intrigue to the already dastardly character :)
Mon, 11 Aug 2003
Okay, to follow up on my last idea, i changed it a little bit..
Here it is:
So, King Triton and Andromeda had a son. The last child that was born. (Maybe
King Triton was too sad to mention that he had a son, Aquata was also of course
sad too. It was only they two in family who knew what had happened..). Anyways,
back to the story.We shall call the son Little Triton Junior (You know, just to
make the show a little bit funnier, i guess). Now, how did he disappear again?
Okay, he was 11 months old then. Andromeda brought him out to the market with
her to buy food for Ariel's birthday party. Aqauta wanted to follow them but
Andromeda wouldn't let her as she wanted Aquata to get ready and everything.
Aquata, being stubborn that time, insisted to follow. So, she secretly followed
them to the market, keeping a distance in between them. So, when they were
heading back to the palace after finishing everything, Andromeda and little
Triton Junior got surrounded by sharks.So, why sharks and not caught by
fisherman? Okay, remember in LM1, Grimsby said there were no such things as merpeople
and it's just a nautical nonsense. Then, in LM3
if you mention that Andromeda and little Triton Junior were caught and they were
merpeople, the news would have spread all over and everyone would have known
that merpeople really DO exist and thus, Grimsby would NOT say that there is
merpeople in the seas and is just a nautical nonsensein LM1...Get what I
mean?Anyways, back to the story. Andromeda, was panicky and so, dropped little
Triton Junior from her arms. She of course shouted. One of the sharks then
pushed the crying little Triton Junior away, away to their territories..As for
Andromeda, she was knocked unconscious and fell onto the seabed. One of sharks,
too, pushed her away.. Of course, for all this while, poor little and terrified
Aquata was hiding behind some thick green seaweed. She was the only witness who
saw this whole tragic event. Soon, she quickly swam back to the palace and told
King Triton...King triton was of course, angry and he sent a search party,
(You can resume the original one from here...and thanks once again..)
Okay BJ, you bring up an interesting point. However, consider this: we don't really know what became of Andromeda. It may be that the fisherman who caught her kept her a secret... or perhaps didn't want the attention of all who would come to see her and she may have been dead already when he took her out of the nets, and so he burried her.
Besides, Triton hates humans and everything human, so it just fits that a fisherman took her away and not a shark.
As for Triton Jr., well, I just don't know what to do with him in the story. If is in the story, what role? How does he translate into the future? Why was there no mention of him in any TV episode or either of the films?
Hey, thanks for your continued input.. very appreciated.
Thu, 7 Aug 2003
Hmm, maybe you could say that King Triton and Andromeda had a
son. (Because all daughters and no sons may sound a little wierd.). The last
child that was born. We shall call him Triton Junior(You know, just to make the
show a little bit funnier, i guess). And how did he disappear? Well, he was 11
months old then. So, Andromeda brought little Triton Junior out to see the
undersea world, but who knows, they were captured next. A fisherman's net
snagged Andromeda and little Triton Junior and took them away. And there was
only one witness to the whole tragic event, and it was the oldest child,
Aquata...(You can resume the original one from here!) And thanks for reading
An interesting idea BJ, but unfortunately there would be little point of including a son when there's no mention of one in either of the two films. It might add confusion. Now I could be wrong so some feedback would be good
Wed, 6 Aug 2003
This is funny I have been working on a story too, with some of the same
elements. It will be interesting to see how close the two story line stay as
they develope.I will publish my story soon even though it still needs a lot of
work. Anyway I will be watching to see how this story developes. This is a great
idea and I can't wait to see how it works out.
Dan the OMoftheSea
Good to hear from you Dan!
This project sure is taking on a mind of it's own and who knows, it may be the only way we'll ever get a TLM3.
BTW, where are you going to publish your version? Can I get a copy
Sun, 3 Aug 2003
Wow... sure is a lot if interest out there.
I guess the way I saw it for a backstory would be that Atlantica was a
kingdom, but ruled by the dark hand of Ursala, after she possibly took it over or
something with her magical trident. People lived in fear, while she had her
great feasts and everything; kinda like how Jafar ruled in Agrabah, if you can
catch the reference.
Then, a young man named Triton, who had a sister or a friend, who's name is
still unknown to us, came to Atlantica only to discover that this wasn't the
happy city he thought it to be; and perhaps the imprisonment of a friend of his
gives him the strength to change that. So, through clever trickery and maybe
a few carefully placed human ships, possibly to distract Ursala or something,
Triton is able to steal the trident away from Ursula and banish her from the
kingdom. He also builds a pedestal with its power so that only he or one of
his decendants can pull it free.
However, something unexpected happens, and because of a human object, say a
ship sinks and causes his wife to be killed, or she is caught in a fishnet and
is taken away; obviously an unfortunate accident, and his disgust of humans is
revealled. Later, he meets someone who will soon be Ariel's mother; well, I
guess I'm not sure where I'm going from there; call it an idea.
The main thing is that he gets the trident from Ursala; being that she's a
sorceress could indicate how it was created, magically infused or something to
that extent. Or, that it was Neptune's before Ursala stole it, and Triton
later reclaimed it after Neptune was banished himself; or even killed. I'm not
sure what could have happened exactly. Any thoughts on that?
Hello there and thanks for the ideas!
Now, you may not be aware of this yet but there's an outline already and it's available to tweek:
TLM3: Atlantica
(just in case you haven't seen it yet). It's a work in progress but it's fun!
Sat, 2 Aug 2003
Okay, I've pretty much figured out that this is meant to be a prequel. Actually, it could work. One question though: If Andromeda is Triton's Queen, who is Celina?
Thanks for writing Elizabeth.
Celina is leftover from my first draft when I didn't know Ariel's Mom's name :) and I just forgot to correct it...
I'll have to fix that when I get home! LOL!!
Fri, 1 Aug 2003
Hey Mike!Those are some great ideas from everyone... I'm liking it! But- in the original LM, Ursula says "...when I lived in the palace..." or something like that. So, Ursula should somehow be connected with living in the palace. Maybe she was a goddess too. I dunno... but like the general overview says, she did something dispicable- and Triton almost lost his life. Maybe she was the next in line for ruler if Triton died because she was the goddess that lived in the sea (and Triton was the God of the sea)... lol I'm just throwing out ideas. So anyway... Ursula tries to kill Triton (she plans to get rid of Neptune afterwards), Neptune saves Triton's life, Ursula is banished and looses her title of "goddess"... lol And then Triton meets his wife and stuff like it says. Don't feel like you have to use any of that at all! :-) Just ideas. Good luck!
P.S. I think that there should be as much Ariel as possible in TLM3. Oh! And make sure you record the names of all the people who came up with ideas so if you ever sell the script to Disney, we'll all be credited! ;-) lol
Hi Chris!
Thanks for writing.
Just last night I included someone else's idea about Ursula and now she is connected to the Palace and the royal court. Exactly what she is and does is not really clear yet. Ideas?
You got the rest right too, Triton meets his wife to be after Ursula is banished.
Now if Ursula was planning to off King Neptune himself, then she really IS crazy!!! LOL!!
I'd love to see a lot of Ariel but it probably will be limited to a couple recent (mis)adventures and a shot now and then of her telling the tale to Melody.
BTW, there's no money to be made from this project by any of us but it can give us hope that there just might be a TLM3 one day :=)) As for credit, I am keeping track.
Thu, 31 Jul 2003
Ursula used to be in Ariel's mother's court. She was always getting
herself into trouble. One day, she discovered black magic. Ursula didn't just
want to be part of the court, but ruler, QUEEN! She tried to make Prince Triton
fall in love with her, but Princess Giselle ( Ariel's mother ) stole his heart.
So Ursula spread a rumor that Triton was making contact with humans! She almost
got away with it ( having everyone think they needed a new ruler ) but Sebastian
over heard Ursula bragging to her eels about it. So she was banished. She swore
revenge on Triton, and was never seen again.
I kinda like that. I've included a good majority of it to the outline. Thanks Eric
Thu, 31 Jul 2003
I think that it would be a good idea to create The Little Mermaid 3 and
I would pay to see it and I would love to buy it because I love the little
mermaid ( I have an entire bookshelf full of Ariel things). Anyway, I love the
Thanks for your vote Felicia!
Thu, 31 Jul 2003
Let the sister who witnessed it be Aquata, she's the oldest.
Okay, thanks Jamie.
Wed, 30 Jul 2003
Okay i just thought i would write down all the things that should be covered with a prequel:
1. Most importantly what happened with Ursula and the trident. did she own it previously or did she just steal it once.
2. How did Atlantica come about.
3. Who was Ariel's mother and what happened to her.
4. Why Ariel love humans so much.
5. Why does Triton hate humans(maybe his wife was taken by them or something).
6. How Ariel and Flounder met.
7. Maybe show how Ursula's mother liked her better then Morgana and what role their family plays with Triton. (remember how at the end of tlm2 Triton says "you and your kind will never bother my family again" so maybe they could have had done something to Ariel's mom?)
8. A little background on prince eric. (it would be cute to see that eric and ariel met as kids, it would be like destiny).
9. Maybe how did the trident come about, who owned it first.
10. Of course background on all the characters.
Hey if we don't get a TLM3 at least we can still write our own stories!
Hello Gina,
and thanks for a very well thought out bunch of questions.
I believe I've answered most of them in the outline rough draft which is now online, especially #5 which you nailed on the head :=))
As for #6, there's a sequence in an episode of the Little Mermaid Television series which shows how Ariel and Flounder met and it's pretty cute. You'll find that on the VHS: "Ariel's Undersea Adventures" Volume 4. It's the "In Harmony" episode.
With #7, I think there's a lot of room to explore the Ursula and Morgana relationship. We'll have to add that to the outline when it's thought up. As you'll see, Ursula had endangered Triton early on, so perhaps there may have been some other conflict maybe involving the daughters. Ariel's Mom was caught by a fisherman's net ( according to the outline so far ).
On #8, a background on Prince Eric may not fit into this tale very well, but if you can come up with something, I'll be happy to include it!
Thanks again for your enthusiastic interest in the TLM3 project.
Wed, 30 Jul 2003
I think it would be very cool to produce TLM3. I think in this story ariel must tell about her past to Melody and Eric. Like a story about her mother, her sisters, her father and Ursula and what happened between them.
I really look forward to disney to produce TLM3.
Hello mehrnaz,
I would like to persnally thank you for a VERY GREAT idea!!
Having Ariel tell the story is PERFECT and I wouldn't have thought of it myself :=))
I've completed the outline first draft and I think it has potential!
Let me know what you think and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
28 Jul 2003
I would love to see this happen but the truth is that people just do
not take as much time in creating a prequel or sequel as they had done for the
original. However if it was done correctly and used the original voices the idea
of a third movie about little ariel would be great.I would love to see what her
mother was like and all her sisters. It would be nice to see how she met
flounder. She should still be fasinated about earth and humans and be very
curious. I think that she should maybe start her interest with the human world
and start her collection very young. It would be cool if her mother had similar
interests. Her mother could pass away when ariel is very young and then ariel
would become the strong curious girl she is in the original. These are just some
ideas to add to everyone elses.
I would not like the movie to be much like TLM 2. It sounded like a great idea
but the movie was rushed and disappointing. To make another movie it has to be as
well done as the original which would be one hard task. I think that this is a
great idea though and I love how all these ariel fans join their imaginations
toghether and try to create something new. Keep the good work up everyone!
I also confess to being a bit disappointed with TLM2. If there ever is another TLM film, I'm certain it would be a good one. If you haven't seen how Ariel met Flounder, check out the episode "In Harmony". You'll find it on "Ariel's Undersea Adventures Volume 4" VHS. Thanks for your email Krystal
Mon, 28 Jul 2003
This all sounds like a great idea but it would never turn out the
way we all wish. If the original voices are not all there than the movie just
will not be the same. I do not know about everyone else but I was disopointed in
TLM 2. I just think that the original movie was so perfect that nothing could
live up to it. That is just my opinion but of course if another movie was to
come out I would buy it and add it too my collection.
I'm wishing there will be another one in your collection
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
How about a story based on Ariel's past, as sugested by Agent X505,
but done in 3D CGI.
Exactly! I think a third film would be the best if Pixar animated it. I'm all for that!As for Ariel's past, I think it should cover how Atlantica came to be, how the royal family came to power and of course, it should take us all the way to the first film including perhaps one or two of Ariel's biggest misadventures
Fri, 18 Jul 2003
The first thing that I have to say is: HELLO AND THANK YOU. Now
then, I really, really love the little mermaid. I'm 13 and I can still remember
growing up watching the series. I live in the south of mississippi, and I dont
have any neighbors for miles therefore I grew up watching the disney channel. I
have honestly grown to love the little mermaid. She inspires all of us, I think,
to try and reach that goal of the impossibles.
If you all would like to do this tlm3 thing than I am all the way with you.
A prolouge would be awsome like what all of you have written. I basically have
the same ideas as you all have except I would love to have all of the original
voices back...but that's a problem considering some of the voice actors have
quit. Not to mention the person that voiced Scuttel, the knowledgable pelican,
has died recently.
I do agree with whom ever said the idea about urchin joining the cast. That
would be absolutely awsome. I can still remember watching the old series from
something like 1995? Oh well! It was all good. well that is all i have to write
about and if you need help like as in needing signatures... I know quite a few
people whom will help out so just e-mail me if needed.
I am sorry if I have made any spelling errors. Forgive me and good luck and bye.
Love Peace And Chicken Grease-Mattrina
Hi Mattrina and thanks for your support. I'm working on an outline which I'll be posting at the above "LET'S CREATE ONE !" link real soon so check back.
Mon, 14 Jul 2003
A prequel movie is a pretty interesting idea, and not out of realms of
possibility. After all, they made a Beauty & the Beast Christmas story set
*within* the events of the original movie. The question is of course whether the
voice of fans is loud enough to be heard from the big studio dudes.
And then there's the question of whether they'll be able to make a worthy
story. Disney isn't known for keeping accurate tabs on continuity, and
basically that's the main reason I'd be uneasy if they ever actually get
around to making a prequel movie.
You know, I'm not even sure what the point is I'm trying to make. Silly me.
The Little Mermaid fandom is lost and disorganised, so a quest to gather voices
will take time and a lot of website pimping. If you ever get around to taking
the helm of this massive project, be sure to let me now. I'd love to become
your sidekick. ^_^
Annie D
Thanks Annie, and I do plan to "take the helm". Look for more in the next week on that right here on this page. Thanks for your thoughtful words.
Mon, 7 Jul 2003
I think the idea for the film about ariel before is an excellent idea!
I have to say that i didn't really like the little mermaid 2, in fact I thought
it pretty much sucked, but the first film was the best! I know all the words to
nearly the whole film, and all the songs. My favourite person in the film is
Ursula. If I ever needed a favour, I'd go to her, I think she's funny, and
sly! Then again, Sebastien is the best jamacan crab I've seen in a long time.
Well I shall say once more, please do the movie! Bye bye!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Reannon.
Sun, 29 Jun 2003
I think a prologue would be so cool! But if Disney decides to do one,
Jodi Benson, Sam Wright, and all the original voices must come back!I would
like to see Ariel as a little girl, find out about her mother, learn on what
happened with Ursula and the trident, and a little something on Prince Eric when
he was a little boy. I would also like to see them bring in Morgana with Ursula.
See the two sisters together. Also it would be cool to see them bring in Urchin
from the TV series, the merboy Ariel befriends in the series.I really hope
Disney does a prolouge to TLM! I'll cross my fingers on it!
Sounds like yet another vote for more TLM
Sat, 28 Jun 2003
Yeah a LM3 sounds good and everything I hope Disney considers that, but
if that doesn't work I say make a new Disney Little Mermaid t.v. series..that
would be cool!
GREAT idea Chris!
Fri, 27 Jun 2003
Hi, I've been working on a story about this for some time now. It's called, 'The lost Pearl". It's a story about Triton and his Queen, and explains a lot of the before the movie stuff. I just don't have a website or anyplace to post it. If you have any ideas on how I can get it out there that would be great. It's quite long (50 pages word processed.)
Hello Melissa, and thanks for writing.
I'd love to read your story, and if you'd like to get it online to share with others perhaps I could help.
If you want, you could send a little at a time through email. Just copy and paste from your word doc.
Then with your permission, I could set aside a page at LittleAriel.com for it and as you complete more, just send it along and I'll add it on :)
Thu, 26 Jun 2003
I would love to see a TLM3. I LOVE Jodi Benson. I'd like to see a
TLM3 only if it's done correctly (meaning no cruddy story or anamation)
I agree, the annimation should be second to none.
Thu, 26 Jun 2003
I think this is such an awesome idea!!!!
As Little Mermaid Fans we should do whatever we can to make this happen. It
would be real cool to see exactly how and where Ariel came to be.
I think there are MANY of us who would love to know the backstory. So let's create it
Thu, 26 Jun 2003
"Mermaid 3"? I do not wish to be a bucket of cold water on this warm
and fuzzy dream, but it's a longshot at best, owing more to Disney than
anything else.
First of all, Disney does NOT accept non-solicited scripts. You have to
either have an agent front it for you or you have done work for them in the
past. They are concerned with lawsuits and don't wish to waste time and money
in a courtroom.
Another problem is Ron Clements and John Musker. Admittedly, they were
pulled from LM2 and completely replaced, because their approach is that only
they will write the script. They write it, develop it and conceive it. Check out
the credits for "Hercules" and "Tresure Planet". They have the huge banner
for the writing credit.
Not to put too fine a curve on this, but I have written a Mermaid script
that takes place between Ariel's wedding and Melody's christening (this is how
I am rather initimate on the scripting details for Disney). Since Disney does
not perceive a need for another Ariel film (big screen or direct-to-video), it
is a very tough sell indeed.
If you decide to mount some kind of campaign, you'll have my support, but,
being the cynical piece of work that I am, I'm not getting my hope up.
OUCH! Okay, worst case scenario: We write our own story, have Hans put his name on it and watch as Disney comes clamboring for the rights But seriously, it doesn't hurt to try.. and it can be fun along the way. Very soon, at the top of this page will be a link to an outline based on everyones ideas and then we can adjust it and play around with it till we get it right. Then we could all electronically agree not to profit from the story or parts of it and then, find someone who could take it from there. Someone who knows the Disney ropes, such as perhaps yourself, and then anything is possible. Sure it's a longshot, the odds are long, but as they say in Lotto, considerably longer if you don't play
Tue, 24 Jun 2003
hi, sorry I didn't reply to this sooner, but I just found this
website! I would totally love and support Disney to come out with a prologue to
TLM. It would answer all the unknowns in the movie like why was Ursula banished,
how did Ariel's mother die, or why is she not in Ariel's life, and maybe show
Eric as a baby.
Anyways i just wanted to let you know that I'm interested in a possible tlm3
and would be glad to show my support!
Thanks Gina, and who knows, maybe we can pull it off
Mon, 23 Jun 2003
I was thinking about how we all have these different theories on what happens either after, before, or between the two TLM movies. We all have some great ideas and I'm sure there are some out there that we haven't evn touched base on yet. Also, we have the small dilemma of trying to get more people to the chats on Sundays. Well, this is my proposal: Why don't we have a chat in which the topic is TLM 3 scenarios? That could span any time period of before the wedding, after the wedding, before Melody, whatever. I think that way, we could meet new people, get new ideas, and get some life circulating again. But, that's just my suggestion. Any thoughts?
That was Paige from the Arielholics List referring to the #Ariel's Sunday Afternoon Chats. GREAT idea!
Mon, 23 Jun 2003
Hm, maybe someone should write a story around all this.
I recommend reading books around mythology first.
Poseidon plays a role for sure, see Calliope Dreams.
Maybe we could pick out some long lost sea-goddess
as Ariel's mother.
.. and a response from Shad Z:
Mon, 23 Jun 2003
Of course, there's no reason to assume Triton's father
Poseidon was the Greek god... they could have just shared
a name...
Shad Z.
So far it seems we've established that Poseidon is in fact Triton's Father and that Ursula was the original owner of the trident.
Since I'm not sure of either of these, maybe someone could Shed More Light ?
Sun, 22 Jun 2003
Perhaps the backstory to Ariel's birth could reveal an undersea battle
and the time of Titron's reign. Perhaps Ursula in her attempts to destroy
triton could seize on human support, the battle could reveal Tritons distaste for
humans.It should also involve MORE characters of the crustation variety and sea
legends/mythological creatures.Ariel needs to be around, her human curiosity
could be established by a fondness to a human boy/girl, young and simular in
Good ideas!
Sat, 21 Jun 2003
If anyone wants to write about how Atlantica came across and all the other little niggling things we're all desperate 2 know about then I will definatly be up 4 some imagining!
I've got a few ideas of my own actually,
maybe Ursula hates Triton because originally Ursula created Atlantica as a kingdom of her own, an evil one, and Triton took it from her to make it good
Maybe the trident was Ursula's in the first place
Maybe there is a past side of Triton that is not portrayed in TLM, he might have used to be bad and he turned good and that's why Ursula resents him
Or MAYBE we can all go totally bonkers and imagine that Ursula was really Ariels mum (Well that could explain quite a bit)
Well anyway, who knows.
Anyone else got any ideas?
Anna x
Thanks Anna, with ideas like this we'll come up with story in no time!
Fri, 20 Jun 2003
Sounds cool but I've always favored the idea of a story shortly after the end of the original. It could show how Ariel adjusts to being human, flesh out Eric a little, and setting up Morgana's role by introducing her (hopefully as a lowly assistant, that witch is scaring no one).
I'd also like to get inside Ariel and Triton's heads a little more. I want to know: what happened to Ariel's Mom, why Triton hates humans and what does Ariel think of Ursula and the '3 days'?
Ariel's behavior in TLM 2 suggest a lot of fear of Ursula and her family. Eric is pretty much there as Hero-guy, he has personality, but not enough. I definitely want back story on him. Not to mention Triton, the Trident, and Ursula. How is it so powerful? What's Ursula's connection? Why is it connected to the Royal family?
Food for thought.There's lots of possibilities, but if Disney's gonna do a lackluster job, I'd rather It didn't get made at all.
Good points. I think if Disney DID make a TLM3, they'd use Pixar.. I'm hoping
Fri, 20 Jun 2003
Great idea Mike, there can never be too much fan fiction, even if some
story lines conflict. I have been working on two stories myself. One
deals with the line "When I lived in the palace...." It covers the time
between Triton becoming King and Ariel's mother . . . well I have not
worked that out yet! But it will involve Tritons dislike for humans.
Most other fan fiction on this subject tie the two together and see no
reason to not do the same. As for fan fiction before the movie, Doug
Webb did a lot of work in that area and in-between the sense of the
movie and after the wedding too. David Copland also covered after the
movie too. If some of the new-bees have not read these fine stories I
have them on my page at http://www.geocities.com/wb6mvp/Disney.htm
The second story I have been working on explains the Trident, but this
is just starting.
Don't let my work stop anyone from doing a story along the same line.
The more ideas the better.
If anyone has a story and would like to have it on my page please
contact me directly, I would love to add to my collection.
Dan the OMoftheSea
Thanks Dan
Thu, 19 Jun 2003
I think this is a great idea...I know many other people who love
TLM...send me some info and i'll get their signatures or whatever you
need...again, this is a GREAT idea...
Thanks for offering your help Matt.
Thu, 5 Jun 2003
I think its a really nice idea to do it! I love the little mermaid and
it would be nice to see her back on the big screen! So I think its a good idea!
Vicky :)
I sure hope Disney thinks it's a great idea too
Sat, 31 May
Yes, I think that is a great idea, I loooove Ariel, and that's my name.:-) I am 14 and I love Ariel, but I have always wanted to know what happened to her mom. So, I think this would be a great experience to get to know why Ariel is the way that she is, and get the fans into her more. If Disney decides not to do this, then we can at least demand a TLM4 when her daughter Melody is older and Ariel is wanting to become a mermaid permantely again, and so the whole family turns into a mermaid one. Eric, Melody, and Ariel could be mermaids, or something.I just really really really want to see Ariel for one last time!!!!
Hello Ariel and thanks for taking the time to write.
I'd really like to see Ariel again but not just one last time :)
If there isn't much demand for a "back story" such as how did it all begin, I think I'll take it upon myself to dream up the story and then I'll put it on the site.
All for now.
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Here's the one that kinda started it all ( from Agent X505 ):
Thu, 24 Apr 2003
Been trying to ponder something lately...
I'm not sure if you have an idea of this or not, but have you got an idea about the backstory to the movie? I know that Ursala once was the owner of the tridant that Triton uses, and that she was beaten out by Triton as a young man; but beyond that I'm not sure. Any thoughts?
Agent X505
And then came this one ( from Air Bear ):
Tue, 27 May 2003
It's not possible to come out with TLM3 but it IS possible to
covince Disney to create a little mermaid prolouge. Like a movie
that takes place when Ariel is little and her mother was around to
keep things sharp. Pure, sweet, and a great storyline (if anyone
could think of one).Can you see? This can all be accomplished, by
tons of fans, an artist, and someone who knows how to contact
disney. It may be the one key to see Ariel in a movie one last
What I wanted you to do was to try and gather as many fans as
possible for this project. They might think I'm crazy, but it's
crazy enough to possibly work, if it doesn't, we can still demand a
good copy of one of the little mermaid episodes. So please....help
me on this, as I said...It' might be crazy enough to work...
Air Bear =)
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!