Little Mermaid News and Events
This entry added: 28 / October / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
This entry added: 28 / October / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Straight from the DisneyAuctionears at ebay:
I had to post the actual image of this piece so you could see how great it looks. The Ariel pin alone is 5 inches tall! Explore it further, just click on the pic. By the way, as a disclaimer, I have no connection whatsoever with this auction.
This entry added: 11 / September / 2002 7:00 PM Pacific Time.
Well, Arielcon 2002 is a wrap
If you'd like to see what happened in Orlando this year, just contact Peter Fay: ( ) He has a video of Areilcon 2002 available for cost if you're interested. Also, you might just inquire about a certain singing sensation whom we all know... she does have a lot of great songs!! Thanks Peter for all your efforts on the video, what a production.
This entry added: 10 / September / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
On yet another personal note
I just won on Ebay an original Ariel pencil drawing done by her character animator from the 1989 film, David Pacheco:
This is I think a VERY beautiful piece and, just thought I'd share it with you. As it turns out it made a wonderful wallpaper so hope you enjoy it!
To see each full size image, just click on the pics below. The first and third images are the Wallpapers. To save as wallpaper once they're done loading, just right click the full size image and "Set as Wallpaper". Enjoy
This entry added: 2 / September / 2002 7:00 PM Pacific Time.
From the pages of Medicom Toys comes a real beauty!
She's a vinyl creation and it looks to me like someone cared when they made her. She's about 5 1/2 inches tall and if you click on the above image you can check out all the other Disney vinyl dolls... including Tinkerbell!
Below is a closeup taken from a current ebay auction.. just click the image to visit the auction: ( Please note that I have no connection with this auction )
This entry added: 31 / August / 2002 7:45 PM Pacific Time.
One more Wallpaper for your collection!
This was sent to me by Vincent.. and it's a nice one. Thanks again for sending it along:

Left click on the thumbnail above, allow the image to finish loading, right-click on it and select "set as wallpaper" (You can then 'regular-click' the image to close it) Image size is 800 x 600. ( 167K )
This entry added: 20 / August / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Ready for this???
Well, ready or not here it is... LittleAriel Stationary!!
Just click the image above. Now first of all, this is a 690K file (over half a meg) so it may take a minute or so to download.. nothing will seem to be happening at first. The window will be blank but give it at least 2 minutes with a 56k modem. It's in Word format (.doc). It will display in your browser and once it does you can print it, just click print. Please note that "Quick" print will make a washed out looking page so you should use "Normal" print. Also if your printer says that the margins are outside printable area, that's okay. Enjoy writing a real letter and not just email!! Oh, and have a GREAT Ariel day!! 
This entry added: 17 / August / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Like to see an Ariel Bobble Head Doll???
You can Vote Here and who knows... they might just make her for us 
This entry added: 16 / August / 2002 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
A better banner...
okay, not great but not bad for my second animated gif... the black background is not part of the pic.
This entry added: 14 / August / 2002 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
New Ariel Merchandise!
These are on the way and not in stores yet but you can see them on ebay. First there's a collection of Disney Princess Key Rings:
... and then have a look at these awesome Princess Play Doh Figurines:
All of these items are wonderful! Important to note here is that I am not involved in the sale of any ebay auction listed here on my site. I do not use this site as a promotional tool or as a way to make a profit of any kind. I simply put on the web so I can share it with you 
Also, if you haven't seen it yet, there's a new 2003 Disney Princesses Calendar.. already available and on ebay too:
It's refreshing to see that Ariel is still a big part of the Disney universe.. Arielholics REJOICE!! Oh, and by the way, all the pics of the above items are now posted on my Gallery pages ( Media and Toys pages )...
and while I'm at it, I really must note that the recently released Dolls made by Playmates, which includes Ariel, are VERY well made.. real quality. I found "Little Belle" at Kay Bee Toys last weekend for $19.95. It was the last one and there were no others left from the series either. Belle is a real darling and if you haven't seen her yet, I posted a pic on my "Dolls" page in the Gallery. Go have a look  Okay, I'm done...
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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