04 / August / 2001 11:45 PM Pacific Time.
This site is now officially on-line....
but is by no means anywhere near complete... and probably never really will be, but I'll try to maintain and update it the best I can.
Input from you is always appreciated and will help tremendously in keeping things current around here 
There's a long way to go still as I haven't finished uploading all the images yet, but I'll soon be done with that. It's taken me quite a long time to get everything dispalying well in Netscape, but I've managed it! Still, this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4+.
What is it with Ariel? Maybe She's the daughter I never had, or perhaps I just love her flaming red hair and maybe it's her sweet personality. Whatever the case, one simple truth remains... I'm addicted.
Just like the rest of you!
Together we can keep the Little Mermaid dream alive in all our hearts.
Yes, I lucked out in finding a fitting domain name and now I'd like to make it worthwhile by puting all things Little Mermaid together at one easy to find location.
This site will attempt to go beyond a mere help society or a web ring. Needless to say I can't do it alone.
There's just so much to do...
but I've got a pretty good start so far.
One of the features here is the "eBay" link which I created to help me aquire those difficult to find Little Mermaid items and since I'm mostly done with putting my collection together, I'm passing it on to you! It will provide the ultimate experience in aquiring Little Mermaid stuff from eBay...just couldn't be any easier.. give it a try (check out the "ebay" link on the
footer at the bottom of each page).
Then when you're done with that, perhaps in a month or so...
Try the "Gallery" link (located on the navigation header at the top of each page). I think you'll love seeing the sheer variety of Ariel and Little Mermaid items that are available out there. It really is amazing. I'll have to upload the pics little by little. Your contributions are welcome by the way. I can include them.
There are a few other links also which will get you anywhere you need to go in the realm of Ariel and The Little Mermaid. This site is going to expand and you can help.
Please feel free to send me a quick note. let me know how I'm doing and what else I can provide here. I need your input to make this the GREATEST GROTTO EVER!
So just enjoy the site and feel free to contribute any time.
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!