
Looks like it's that time again for yet another yearly update. So much has happened recently, both in my world and Ariel's. Sadly I just haven't been as involved with this site as I should and that may not change for another year or so. Although I haven't updated the Guestbook page since 2005, I have all of your comments, compliments and broken link notes, and I'll be adding them soon.
One of the most important things to happen in 2007 was that Michelle of The-Little-Mermaid.com offered to host LittleAriel.com after my webhost changed their billing arrangements with me and forced me to look elsewhere. This was a real blessing and I can't thank her enough. If you get a chance, please visit her excellent TLM site.
On a sadder note, I used to be the webmaster for "Little Mermaid Ring" but something strange happened and I was no longer able to access my info and eventually got removed. All the emails to tech support went unanswered so I'm out of luck. It's currently public, but as yet unavailable to adopt.
Finally, I'd like to once again thank everyone's support of not only this site, but of Disney's The Little Mermaid and very possibly, we all had a lot to do with the creation and direction of the upcoming "direct to DVD" film "The Little Mermaid III". We mostly all were pulling for a prequel, and that's what we'll get, so we can finally fill in some gaps. Looking forward to seeing this new film come to life as it's going to be well animated. Just wish it would go to the big screen too.
Hope all is well with you and yours, and have a GREAT Ariel 2008!!
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!