Fan Reviews of
Would you like to write a quick review of
This page is set aside for your feedback and comments. I'd love to include your words on this page...
Fri, 29 Aug 2003
I absolutely love this site and i find it is one of the best ones. I
wish who ever made this site could kiss me
You are too sweet
Wed, 27 Aug 2003
Hey Ariel! I just wanted to tell you that your my most favourite Disney character of all time! And that your more beautiful than Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and all those other Princesses.
I also wanted to say that Jodi Bensen did an excellent job for your voice. I love your movie. it's so funny, magical and cute. I also love your second movie with Melody and Ursula's crazy sister, Morgona. Melody is so cute. She lookes exactly like you.
She has your eyes, hair-shape, posture and personality.I have always wanted to be a mermaid, with a purple tail. Anyways, like that is going to happen.
Well I like your web site and all. Would you please say hi to everyone in the palace and Atlantica for me? Thanks.
Thanks Kristina for your wonderful thoughts :)
Have yourself a GREAT Ariel day!!
Mon, 18 Aug 2003
This year is my last for h.s and im really looking forward to my prom,
for thats the chance i have to having a real life ball and i hope good things
will happen that night. dreaming is believing, awesome sight
Thanks so much Tonianne.
Sun, 17 Aug 2003
Ariel, i'm your bigest fan! I hope you can come and see me this
year. Your tail is beautyful! See I use to have your movie but someone stole it
from my house. When i found out my heart was broken. I was so sad I almost
filled up a buket with my tears so if you come to see me will you bring me
I'm sure you will once again have a copy of both very soon. Got a Birthday coming up?
Sat, 16 Aug 2003
Thanks for your message jsmine
Wed, 13 Aug 2003
Hi Ariel, all my dreams were to become a mermaid like you and play with you?
Sincerely, Cryss
It sure is nice to dream...
Tue, 12 Aug 2003
Sorry, but I can´t writting much in english, there is in spanish, I
hope you undertan.
Hola, soy mexicana y me gusta mucho Ariel, solo quiero decirte que tu pagina
esta padrisima y disculpa porque casi no sé ingles.
Hi Eva, sorry I'm late to post this but I had to get it translated first Thanks for your kind words and hope you continue to enjoy our favorite mermaid for a long time to come!
Thu, 7 Aug 2003
!!yOu HaVe ThE bEsT sItE eVeR!! i WaS wOuNdErInG iF yOu EvEr SaW a ReAl
MeRmAiD oR iF yOu BeLiEvE iN mErMaIds??
pS dO yOu KnOw AnY wHeRe OfF lInE 2 bUy ArIeL mErChAnDiSe bEsIdEs ThE
dIsNeY sToRe??
Hello Trisha, and thanks for writing.. sort of Okay, I think I can kinda read it,
Ariel is real isn't she? I do absolutely believe in mermaids. If I'm real lucky, I'll meet one  You can find a smattering of Little Mermaid stuff offline: Walmart and Kmart come to mind.
But the best place of all is online at ebay.
Tue, 5 Aug 2003
Dear Ariel,
I am four years old, and my mommy is typing this note for me. I love you, I am
going to be you for holloween this year. I just got my mermaid costume from my
friend Alex.
Thanks for taking the time to write Sophia, and also, I'm sure you'll have the best time Trick-or-treating
Sun, 3 Aug 2003
Dear Mike
I send you one more Wallpaper of Ariel with her german name (1024x768) for the Wallpaper Page of I hope you like it ^.^
But please don't make it smaller, ok. Thank you very much.
Ps.: I found one of my Wallpaper on the Wallpaper Page. This one here: ArielWall2.jpg
Greetings from GermanyChrissy
Hello Chrissy and thank you very much for the BEAUTIFUL wallpaper.
I'll be posting it tonight. OOps, I made it smaller. Sorry.
Let me know when your site's done and I'll be happy to list it on the Fansites page :)
Sun, 3 Aug 2003
Dear LittleAriel,
I'd Like To Say That You've Been The Most Greatest Little Mermaid Ever, I've
Been Watching The Little Mermaid All The Time. It's My Most Favorite Disney
Film Ever, Ariel You Are The Best!
I'm Your World's Biggest Fan Ever, Thank You For Allowing Me To Write This
Wonderful Comment To You.LittleAriel Keep Up The Good Work.
Sat, 2 Aug 2003
Dear LittleAriel,
I'd Like To Say That I've Been Enjoying This Wonderful Disney Animated Film,
The Little Mermaid. It Is My Most Favorite Disney Film Ever.Ariel You
Are The Greatest, I'm Your World's Biggest Fan. The LITTLEARIEL Website Is The
Greatest. Ariel You Are Strong, Brave, Very Talent, Above All You Are The Most Friendliest. I Like
To Hear From You As Well, LittleAriel Thank You For Giving Me The Opportunity To
Write This Wonderful Comments About You.
Wow, thanks Andy for your two great emails!
Sat, 2 Aug 2003
I'm a HUGE fan of Ariel and I love your site! You know, I didn't know
that there were so many Ariel items out there. I'm uh, actaully only 10 ten
years old. I hope you add more to your site soon!
Hey, thanks Eva! I do plan to add to the Gallery page very soon, Keep checking back
Sat, 2 Aug 2003
well i think you should make things a little clearer and maybe you will
get more people comeing because its a bit hard to understand things
luv yazaima
Hello zaima, and thanks for writing. I'm not sure what is unclear? If there's anything unclear on my site, I'd love to know about it. Please let me know what it is so I can correct it. I'm always trying to make improvements as I find ways to make them.
It's true that there are a lot of areas within the site to check out. It has grown A LOT in the two years of being online.
Mon, 4 Aug 2003
Thank you it is very nice that you take our thoughts personally and reply i just have to say that its not evry thng that is unclear just a few thing basicly just label everything thankyou again and i will visit the sight again bye
You're welcome I've posted my site on a Web Design Help Forum and hopefully I'll get some more ideas.
Sat, 2 Aug 2003
ariel you are the best
Now that's short and SWEET !
Tue, 29 Jul 2003
I wish I was you. You are perfict
Well, she's almost perfict
Tue, 29 Jul 2003
I checked out your Little Mermaid site, and it's really nice! I
remember watching that movie back when it came out, and buying the video
when it was originally released. I still own it, and it is still one of my
favorite Disney movies. ^_^
Take Care!
Thanks Marie!
Mon, 28 Jul 2003
Hi! i was looking around on all the ariel products and i was wondering if you
knew where to find that 2003 bed set? I absolutely adore it, and i was
curious if you knew the store name? or website? or did you find that on e-bay too??
Thanks a bunch!
Heather -mermaid fanatic
Hi Heather,
I believe you're refering to the "Under the Sea" Bedroom Collection available at the online Disney store and nowhere else.Disney stores at the mall don't stock bedding items.
I'm sure it'll find it's way on ebay if it hasn't already.
You can check it out here: "Under the Sea" Bedroom Collection
Fri, 25 Jul 2003
Hi there. Great site, certainly one of the better Ariel sites. May I suggest a
'Pictures' sub-section in 'Gallery' section? Or 'Pictures/Wallpaper' as this
would have a similar content.
I suggest this as I am interested in some of the pictures in the 'Avatars'
sub-section but would like the full picture of them. For example, I can't find
the full picture for avatar number 14a.
Also, may I give some technical suggestions that would also improve the site:
It would be allot easier to manage all those file if they were organised into
folders instead of just having them all at the root of your domain.
And you could make the the site load faster though using thumbnails of
pictures, instead of loading a full picture into a small box, you would have a
copy of the picture on the website, then the original (full) picture link from
this smaller picture. Tell me if I didn't explain too well ;-)
...of course this would increase the overall site of the website, but I believe
the speed issue would outweigh this. - Perhaps have a discreet donate link to
help pay for the domain and webspace.
Okay, hope this helps. (also hope I wasn't being too helpful)
Hello Daniel, and thanks for writing.
Thanks also for you kind words about the site
Regarding your ideas for optimization, you make some good points, especially
about the subfolders for different categories. I've thought about that before,
back when my site wasn't so large as it is now, unfortunately, I didn't do
anything about it then and if I tried to fix it now, it would be extremely time
consuming. I'd have to figure out what went where for each category I have...
Some of my pages do get a bit large sometimes so when that happens, I archive
and start a new page. Hopefully that helps a bit. I do, of course, have all the
Gallery images in a separate folder, and thumbnailed. As for the Avatars, well,
those are just avatars, created especially for posting and message boards. They
come from various places and in fact, some of the original pics are VERY small
to begin with. When I find a pic I like, I simply cut away what I don't want in
there, reduce the size, clear it up a bit and save it. I'll try to look for the
original of 14a and send it along when I can.
Oh, and there is a Wallpaper category, you'll see it on the left side navigation
bar on the Gallery page.
Thanks again for your insight and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Thu, 24 Jul 2003
Just Let You Know That I'm The Biggest Fan, of The Little Mermaid. It's One Of My Most Favorite Disney Animated Films Ever. Ariel, she's The Greatest.
Thanks for writing, Andy
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
hi mike!AWESOME website!! i live approximately 20 minutes north of Disneyland and just this year bought a limited season pass. i can't go during the summer, but i do enjoy visiting "downtown disney" and LOVE the big world of disney store! lol!
You are so lucky to live so near to the happiest place on Earth. I don't think I'd ever get tired of living there!
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
I have visited this site on several occassions and would have to say
that it is one of the best I have seen. I Am 19 and am a huge "Little
Mermaid" fan. I have been collecting now for the past four years. It is nice to
see that other people enjoy the movie as much as I do. You have a great
collection and a wonderful website.
Wow, thanks Krystal. I think The Little Mermaid and Ariel are both unforgettable.
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
Great website!
Why, thank you Lisa. You are most kind.
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
Hello.Thank you for your message.
Thank you for you saw my site.
Ariel page of photos is not Disney Sea.
I took those photos when I went to Disney Princess Event. They the
decorated show window. It was very beautiful. Ariel moved.
She sure did look good.
Sun, 20 Jul 2003's been a while... I took a little trip to a Japan 3 weeks ago.
I saw the water show, it was so cool. I wish I woulda taken pictures (stupid
me). But I did manage to get a calander before it came out for 2004. The oldest
movies in there were Snow White, The Little mermaid, and Micky's magical
christmas. Anyway, I think you should put up a comics page... I found anime LM
comics online the other day. I'll try to get you the link.
C ya,
Ariel <=^_^=> -meow <=o_o=>
Hi Ariel, and thanks for writing.
I've been looking for some Anime Ariel for a while now and I know it's out
there. I sure hope you find the link and let me know so I can post it on the
Sun, 20 Jul 2003
Its nice to be a part of fellow Ariel lovers such as myself, keep
dreamin and livin!!
There are a lot of us out there!
Sat, 19 Jul 2003
Hi Mike, I was looking at the pics you took at your Disneyland trip.
Where did you find that penny machine of The Little Mermaid in Disneyland? I
have an Annual Passport to D-Land and I've never seen it there. Thanks!
Hi Amber, and thanks for writing.
The Little Mermaid penny machine is in the "Penny Arcade" on Main Street. Look
around, you can't miss it.
Sat, 19 Jul 2003
I think this site is great for all them ariel fans.
Thanks Kristy
Sat, 19 Jul 2003
AWESOME website!! i live approximately 20 minutes north of disneyland and just
this year bought a limited season pass. i can't go during the summer, but i do
enjoy visiting "downtown disney" and LOVE the big world of disney store! lol!
Just came from there myself ( first time in 12 years! ). It really is great!
Thu, 17 Jul 2003
You sure have a lot to see on your site, Bell. Thanks for sharing  I especially like This Page of Ariel from your Disney Sea vacation.P.S. I found a collection of links to many other Official Disney sites on your Links page and I hope you won't mind that I added it to my Links page as well.. I included credit, and a link to your site there.
Tue, 15 Jul 2003
I love the Ariel, she is the best! She makes me so happy when I see
her show or hear her song. Ariel is the greatest!
Juliet Hagenlocher
I couldn't have said it better myself
Mon, 14 Jul 2003
I love the little mermaid! I am such a big fan!! Woohoo go Ariel
I agree with YOU!
Sat, 12 Jul 2003
Hi... I saw you visited my page I appreciate your nice comments in
my guestbook. I just got around to visiting your page and I love it! My site
has a lot of work that is needed... it used to have a lot of voice clips from
Jodi on it, and geocities took them off. Maybe I can fix it soon. Thanks again
and you have a wonderful site.
Please let me know when you update your site and I'll post a note. I'm glad you enjoyed and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Thu, 10 Jul 2003
i love the film but is seb a crab or a lobster?
Sebastian is DEFINATELY ( drumroll please ) a crob, mon
Thu, 10 Jul 2003
I want to play your games, I love you very much, your the best
mermaid in the whole wide world.
samantha elizabeth
Thanks for your nice email Samantha.
Tue, 8 Jul 2003
i would like a coloring sheet of you..
londyn elizabeth
I will create a page for you very soon, and thanks for the idea
Sun, 6 Jul 2003
I love your web site, its really pretty. Its cool that you like The
little Mermaid too! Take care*
Byezz, Suzy
Thanks Suzy, and I think it's cool that you took the time to send a note. Also, thank you for the compliments.
Fri, 4 Jul 2003
hi ariel. can you ask your dad to tern us in to mermaids because we are
all girls. well dose it matter relley? so get our mermaid call. bye.
love, yara xaina and megan. by yara.
Tue, 1 Jul 2003
I just wanted to come here and say, well, WOW! I love your wallpapers
and stuff! I have been looking for a good one forever! Thanks! One small
thing, the one wallpaper with her in the yellow dress on the circular background
isn't ariel. It is Belle from beauty and the beast. I believe that is a
screenshot from the videogame Kingdom Hearts and they got her hair color wrong
for some reason. Anyway, Thanks again!
Thanks Michelle, and I'm glad you enjoyed the site. You are right about that not being Ariel, and yes, it's from Kingdom Hearts, but I just couldn't resist making a Wallpaper from it and sharing ( She does look a bit like Ariel though! )
Tue, 1 Jul 2003
Hi! Ariel!
I want to say I love you, But i' m a girl.
And I have all of your pictures in my room I hang them up.
I even saw your pictures in the computer.
It was so cute!
Love, Julie
It's okay to love Ariel even if you're a girl Thanks for your WONDERFUL email!
Sun, 29 Jun 2003
I'm new here and I love this website! I fell in love with it when i first found it. I've been an Ariel fan since the first time I saw it at the movie theater when I was 5. I'm sure like all the other Ariel fans I know all the songs by heart and lines in the movie :o) Ur site is awesome!
Hello Amber, and thanks for your wonderful comments :)
I'm sure glad you found ...
Please continue to enjoy the site and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Sun, 29 Jun 2003
Hello! I am so glad I found this site! :o) You (Webmaster Mike) have put some beautiful wallpapers, avatars, and images of the LOVELY ARIEL! :o) I wanted to let you know, Webmaster, however, that one of the wallpapers-- the 16th thumbnail image-- of Ariel and Flounder swimming upward) did not send me to the larger image... I really would LOVE to have that wallpaper for my desktop, though, if that can be fixed? :o) Thanks, and your site is AWESOME!!!!
Thanks Liberty for your kind words :)
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the site.
I checked on the problem you mentioned and I've corrected it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
And by the way, that one DOES make a really TERIFFIC wallpaper.
Sat, 28 Jun 2003
Luv Ya!!!!!!! Love you Ariel and people who created this site.When I get older and have kids if I have a girl her name will be Ariel. If they are boys, Sabastian and/or Eric. I wish I could be a liitle mermaid too.
Mike, What gave you the idea to start a little mermaid website?
Can you help me start a Walt Disney web page?
love, Lexxiexxxxxxx
Thanks Lexxie for your emails and nice comments.
I got the idea for the site while learning how to write html which is the main code used in creating and designing web pages.I wanted to do a Disney site and since I really enjoyed TLM, I chose to do a site featuring Ariel.
As I built it, it grew and grew. If I needed help with scripts and style sheets and html, I'd use my favorite help forum:
There are lots of friendly folks there who are more than eager to help.
Soon I had it all built and now what I do is just keep adding on... sort of like a hobby.
There's so much more I'd like to do with it but right now I just can't find enough time, so I update it whenever I can.
As you know the recent topic for me has been getting an idea about what happened before TLM and I find it amazing that no one really knows.. so, why not just create the "backstory" as a group project, you know, just for the fun of it :)
I wish I could help you with your site ideas but unfortunately I just don't have the time since I barely have enough to update my own site.
One thing I can tell you is that doing a site is VERY time consuming and you have to have a lot of patience with it.
What you should do if you're serious is learn html or xml as it's getting to be known as now, by finding tutorials online. It's better to know how to write the code by hand rather than using a program like Front Page. Then you could go to the help forum and interact with other designers and learn the ropes and the tricks.
If you're interested in just putting a page out there, then you'll still have to learn how to use a web design program.
Let me know when you have a page online.. I'll put a link to it on my site :) Anyway, good luck to you Lexxie and I wish you the very best
Sat, 21 Jun 2003
I love you. I am your no.1 fan Please write back
Hello Ruby and thanks for writing.
It's always great to hear from a devoted fan and I hope you'll continue to enjoy
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Fri, 20 Jun 2003
I love your site! Thank you so much for making it. You've made me smile for
You are certainly welcome.
Fri, 20 Jun 2003
I'm not really a big Ariel fan, give me Aladdin anyday but TLM ranks
3rd on the fav. movies list and I like to surf around for Disney sites that are
different than most. certainly is different. The gallery makes
my jaw drop, you have so many different items. I totally love that
Disney store banner.
TLM series is back on tv here in Holland. I've recorded a couple of songs (in
Dutch), if you know someone who can use them let me know! :) I'll certainly be
checking back here now and then.
Wow, thanks for the awesome email Merkal. I'm at a loss for words. As for Aladdin, well, I think you have GREAT taste!
Thu, 19 Jun 2003
hye...regarding your Entry On January 3rd, 2003 about the TLM action
figure...i looked all over every disney store but couldnt find it...but i went
to my local "comic book shoppe" and found many action figures from the
playstation 2 game "kingdom hearts" (this game features a whole world of
Atlantica with ariel, flounder and the whole gang...) I RECOMEND IT! anyways...i
bought the toy and it is great!
You may be correct. Seems that these are widely available in Japan but only in specialty stores around the US. I've addressed your concerns On The Links Page. Thanks for writing, Matt.
Wed, 18 Jun 2003
I have visited your site and what a great job you have done.
I too am an Ariel fan. Attached is an Ariel pic that I found on the web. It was a black and white sketch until I colored it. Thought you might like it. Thanks for the good work.
Hello there Jim,
now that is a GREAT shot of Ariel!
You did a very nice job of coloring her and creating a super background and thanks VERY much for sending it along!
I've added your work to my Wallpaper page. ( It's the one with the dark green background ) Or, you can Check It Out Instantly Here. Hope you won't mind sharing it
with all the other Ariel fans out there 
Also, thanks for stoping by and checking out LittleAriel.. it's kind of a labor of love with me,
and I'm sure glad you enjoyed your stay.
Wed, 18 Jun 2003
She's quite pretty.
kam lin
Thanks Kam lin, you sure are right about that!
Tue, 17 Jun 2003
I like The Little Mermaid.
I almost got everything that's out. Like the movies and a lot more stuff.
You are a true LM Fan Adam. Collecting seems to be one of the favorite past-times.
Sat, 14 Jun 2003
I love the little mermaid. I have always wondered if there could be a
little mermaid christmas movie where Ariel learns about christmas. I have an
address where I have sent mail to Disney before and I had return mail from them
so you may want to try it: 500 South Buena Vista StreetBurbank,California 91521
Thanks Ariel, I'll have to try that.
Thu, 12 Jun 2003
I was wondering if you or anyone knew when or if Disney was planning on
putting TLM back out on the big screen?...Next year will be it's 15 year
I believe the next time we'll see Ariel on the BIG screen will be at an IMAX theatre scheduled for late 2004. Just in time for Christmas ??
Thu, 12 Jun 2003
HellO! I really love your site, its so rare to find a good Ariel/little
mermaid site,I've only found...three, including yours. I just wanted to pop in
and say hi and that you are doing a terrific job. I hope this site lasts a long
time, it'd be sad to see it go. Keep up the great updates and the wonderful
work! I also really love the wallpapers, very nice! Byee..
Take Care, Lindsey
Thanks for your nice thoughts Lindsey. I plan to keep updating as often as I can... and you're right, it's a bit difficult to find a site that's really dedicated to our favorite red-head  It's been a lot of fun to do this and at the same time I can keep my web skills up so you can be sure will be around for a LONG time to come.
Wed, 11 Jun 2003
This is such a great web site for Ariel fans like me! I was sooo
excited to find it!, especially since it's so new. You're doing a great job at
keeping it updated. Keep up the great work! Thanks for creating such an awesome
Kacey ~An Ariel lover~
Hello Kacey and thanks for your encouraging comments.
I'm really glad you like the site and yes, I do try the best I can to keep it updated.
In fact, I've got a backlog of stuff I want to add on..
I'm also thinking of including Fan Fiction as a new category.
Based on how many visitors LittleAriel receives daily, there must be a LOT of us Ariel fans!
So keep visiting and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Mon, 5 May 2003
hiyas you have a very very cute website!! i enjoyed browsing around in it!!
I wanted to invite you to join a website competition called Golden Elite, i feel that your site would fit right in w/ us! )
and we would be honored to have you w/ us
please take the link i will provide and i hope to see u there!!
Golden Elitehttp://goldenelite.netKindyl-EliteTeam leader Celestial Isle
Fri, 2 May 2003
Nice Ariel site. Shes one of my fav Disney Princesses. I also like
Belle,Jasmine & Tinkerbell. I know Tink is not a princess but she still is cute.
Keep up the good work :0)
Thanks for visiting Jeannette. Glad to hear you enjoyed
Wed, 23 Apr 2003
If you haven't seen the new Disney Catalogue yet, it has a beautiful picture of Ariel on the cover. I decided to scan it and turn it into a wallpaper. You can see it here if you want.
~ Faith, trust, & pixie dust ~
Vince, I want to thank you for a really nice job done on the scan. I've included this great wallpaper image on my Wallpaper page. Oh, and I made sure to run out and grab a few copies of this great catalog. Thanks again!!
Sat, 12 Apr 2003
Ariel you are the best. Your voice is beautiful. You are my heroine.
Thanks for your note Quraishia.
Fri, 4 Apr 2003
I think this site is very good and interesting for all ages. My little
sis loves ariel and i do too it is one of my top sites in the world.
Thanks for sharing with us Mike.
Thanks for making LittleAriel one of your top sites in the world
Mon, 24 Mar 2003
What up!!! lol, heym do you have staff on this site?, i\'d love to help
out, considering my name is Ariel and yeah, and jus 5 more years
eh? there is a domain place where you only pay once and the domain is yours to
keep.Also...I found snowglobes here in milwaukee, yes LM ones, but they are $60.
Found em at the disney store (i\'m a regular there...heh).
Catch ya later,
Ariel =P
Thanks for your note Ariel, and thanks for your offer. There's no staff here to take care of LittleAriel, just me but if you'd like, you can send me links for great Ariel and Little Mermaid related pages so I can include them on my Links page.
I haven't been able to update that page lately due to the lack of time on my part to scour the web for them. Snowglobes ARE expensive. Even on eBay. Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Sun, 16 Mar 2003
Mike, thank you sooo much for sharing!!!
Thanks for writing Jason! Always nice to be appreciated
Fri, 14 Mar 2003
Well first of all, I ¢¾ this site, is just awesome. My question is...
do you when there is going to be another release of TLM Snowglobe? I can\'t find
any section of TLM snowglobes around the net. do you know about any?
Thank you and keep this excellent site running!
Love, Velvet
I'm really glad you like, please feel free to visit often. I do plan to keep this site around a LONG time.. in fact, I've got the domain name registered for another 5 years. As for the LM SnowGlobes, well believe it or not, that's something I don't know much about. You're not the first though to ask. I'm planning a section in the Gallery for them but I'm really not sure about any current editions that may be out.
Mon, 10 Mar 2003
I like your site, puts the BIG idea for the The Little Mermaid. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself, I am Ariel, (Yes, Ariel is my real name, and I am only 13 :D). And I would like to link to your site, my site URL is It's my art site, No Little Mermaid arts are posted up yet, but I'm getting them all scanned, one by one, (It's because i'm just lazy...). Well I hope to talk to you soon.
Ariel =)
Thanks Ariel. Of course you can link to LittleAriel. In fact anyone can. Please do. If you're not sure how, just cut and paste The Code You Find Here somewhere on your page. Glad you like the site Ariel
Tue, 4 Mar 2003
I love your page! I love your site, and all the news! I like to see whats going on in the
Ariel world! Thanks sooo much for making a great site!
You're very welcome Kathryn
Mon, 3 Mar 2003
Hello. For your news site I would like to let you know that 2 new Ariel
items are in Toys R Us. A new Ariel styling head and Ariel swimgear. (Goggles,
flippers, gloves.) Just thought you would like to know. Good Bye!
I very much appreciate you passing that along Eric. Thanks
Mon, 24 Feb 2003
Hey Ariel Fans!! Hey guys, Im so glad that I finally found an Ariel site. The first
movie I ever saw in the movies was The Little Mermaid, my dad took how
cute! Since then Ive only been to Disney World twice, but Im going back in June
for y senior trip. Anyway, every time I go I buy an Ariel pin. I have 2 on my
letterman jacket, and they are sooo special to me. I dressed up as Ariel like
every Halloween when I was young, and I want to play her at Walt Disney World.
Thanks for making a great site, and I will be a frequent visitor!!!!
I'm certainly glad you enjoy the site Baily. Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Sat, 22 Feb 2003
Mike Hola, soy Eva tengo 24 años y soy fan de Ariel, solo quiero decirte que he revisado muchas paginas de Ariel en la red pero la tuya es la mejor de todas. Antes coleccionaba cosas de Ariel pero en realidad son muy pocas, aunque algunas cosas no aparecen en los items de Ariel. por cierto soy bibliotecaria.
Hola, una disculpa pues aunque entiendo el inglés todavia no soy capaz
de expresarme en él. esta pagina es la más completa y bonita que he visto. y eso
que he revisado muchas, la moyoria son en inglés y tiene muchas cosas, pero tu
te has preocupado por que todo estuviera bien hecho y a la perfección, y eso me
gusta mucho. soy mexicana, tengo 24 años y soy bibliotecaria antes coleccionaba
cosas de Ariel que encontraba en los mercados. allí hay puestos de juguetes
usados y nuevos que vienen de EU y que nunca llegan aqui, algunos estan
incompletos y no sabes que son.
bueno... muchas felicitaciones a Mike y a las personas responsables de este
Thanks Eva for your very kind words about these "beautiful pages". It has been a pleasure to bring them to you
Fri, 21 Feb 2003
Hey Fellow Ariel fans! I am soooooo happy that I found this site. I love it and I love The Little
Mermaid!!! She rocks!!
I'm glad this website is all about her and thanks to all you amazing people who
do this for us. Keep up the excellent work! Love Ya
Well, Eva, thank you for that. It's wonderful comments like yours that make this all worthwhile
Sat, 15 Feb 2003
i luv you
i luv ariel and i went to florida to see her she is brilliant. i like
flounder too
Thanks for sending a note Tanya. Flounder is kinda cool
Tue, 11 Feb 2003
Hello!! i cant believe iv found this site, im 16 and love the little
Mermaid!!!! Could some1 please tell me if sabastian is a crab or lobster?
please!!!! I live in Ireland and this debate about him has to be sorted!
I love the site too!!!
Bye Bye 4 now
Ruthie (ireland)
Hi Ruthie! Since I created LittleAriel a year and a half ago, search engine rankings have treated her well. Many are finding this site using Google, Yahoo and many other search engines and I'm always happy to welcome new visitors. I'm really glad you enjoyed and hope you come back often. As for Sebastian, he is most definately a crab
Mon, 10 Feb 2003
I'm a big fan of Ariel, I've even got her pyjamas, but I can't afford to get
loads of Ariel stuff, so I've only got the pyjamas. I love anything to do with
mermaids (especially Ariel). I'm hoping to go to Disney Land Paris to meet her,
but we haven't got enough money right now. So bye for now, hope to hear from
Well, Emily, thank you for the very nice note and thanks also for taking the time to write. I wish you the best in your goal to visit Disney Land Paris and hope you get a chance to aquire a few more Ariel items.. they're fun to collect
Thur, 29 Jan 2003
Hey Mike,
thanks for linking back and i'm glad you like the
belle :) that's a good idea, i never thought about
making a little ariel dress up...i think i'll work on
that. i've been to your site before, it's the best
ariel site i've seen :) i'll link back on my next
update. thanks again :)
Hello Michelle! Thanks for your kind words, I do try to keep things updated as much as I can. Oh, and REALLY? You never thought about doing Ariel?? Well all of us Ariel fans just can't wait till you finish and post her on Your Disney Site !! So hurry please  P.S. Keep up the nice work on your site!!
Fri, 24 Jan 2003
I love ur site. I didn't think there was alot of people who love this
movie as much as i do. And i love all the graphics and pics u have as well. Good
Thanks very much for your kind words Mayra, and as you can see, there are a lot of us who love everything Little Mermaid! Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 your site...oh, and in the news section, that tlm action
figure is from the playstation2 game 'kingdom hearts' hich features ariel and
almost all of the disney characters...(just to let you know) ... :)
Sat, 4 Jan 2003
i love ariel so much and if any of you think you like her more, your
wrong. dont even try to take her away. ok
Tue, 31 Dec 2002
Hello dear webmaster, I just wanted to let you know that I really really love your page. I found it by a search engine when I was originally looking for some icons of Arielle. Especially the gallery is great also it made me very envious of all the stuff I do not have yet.
I love the little mermaid since I was 8 (now I am 22) and i already got a lot of mermaid things myself...
Well, I am losing myself in writting.
Anyway thx for the page, keep it updated.
P.S.: Have a great beginning of the new year! (:
With love and best wishes, Jenny (Germany)
Hi Jennifer,
thanks for all your wonderful words and I'm really glad you liked the site. I usually always keep it updated but of course these are Holidays and I'm just taking a small vacation, including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera which was GREAT!!
There sure are a lot of LM items out there to collect. I usually find a nice selection on ebay and in fact at the bottom of each page at there's an "EBAY" link you might want to try which will give you a breakdown of current LM items available on ebay by category.. give it a shot :)
Happy Holidays to you too Jenny and have a GREAT Ariel New Year!!
Thu, 28 Nov 2002
Hey mike! wow this site is really good! =) ilove it. my little sister
wants a ariel doll the old ones from tyco. do you have any of those? well email
me back if you do!
PS. Keep up the great work!
ttyl bye!
xoxoxo- Kayla
Hi Kayla, thanks for the kind words. I'm sure glad you enjoyed the site... and sure I have a few of the older Ariel dolls from Tyco, but I don't sell anything. I would highly recommend eBay. Most of my collection I gathered together from there. Take a look at the bottom of any page and you'll find an eBay link.. click on that and you'll find ALL the Little Mermaid items for sale and on auction there. Good luck!
Mon, 25 Nov 2002
I 've never thought there was someone who loved my little Ariel as much
as me (and called her "little Ariel". Here in Italy "piccola Ariel").
When I saw that movie (I was 13 years old) I decided to be an animator.....and
I'm an animator now!!!I'd like to send you something I've done about my little
Ariel as soon as a personal gift for all fans of her all around
the world!!! Kisses!
Thanks for your note Vale. As you can see, there's lots of us who love Ariel.. Congratulations on becoming an animator and thanks for the kisses!
Sat, 23 Nov 2002
I hope you dont mind that we used some of your images of ariel
for a snowglobe we made using paint shop pro 7 we love ariel as well but it is hard to find good images of her.Your site is awesome!! you can see how we used them at thank you we had a wonderful visit its so cheery in here
and we will come back soon :))
You did a nice job on the Ariel snowglobe Raychael. Keep up the great work!
Sun, 13 Oct 2002
Hey, Mike! :) Thanks SO MUCH for linking me on your site! You are such
a sweetheart. Honestly... I just wanted to let you know that my site is now the
official fanlisting for the Ariel, the character. There's already a fanlisting
for the movie. The url is, so it's different from
the one you have linked to on your site. Would you mind changing it? Sorry!
Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to be affiliates with my fanlisting. That
would be so cool! Well, have a great day. I still visit your site all the time.
It's the best Ariel site out there, but I'm sure you know that already. Thanks
again! :)
Well hi Tahnee! Good to hear from you again.. it has been a LONG while!! First of all, thank you for your extremely flattering words concerning the best Ariel site out there . (I'm still blushing ) As for the link, I've corrected it. When I have a chance I'll be looking in to the affiliates thing as well as the Ariel Fan Listing.. one thing I did notice while I was there is the complete lack of guys. And just to prove that we don't necessarily have to be a girl to appreciate Ariel, check out the next entry below.
Sun, 13 Oct 2002
Helo to the Royalty that is
Can I just firstly say what an awesome site!!!! I hav been a fan of
Ariel sinse the film in 1990!! (I am no 17) and I am from the UK. I had Dolls of
Ariel when i was little and colelcted ll th 'Ariels World' books and even met
her atDisneyland! I have been fasinated with Ariel for ages, an I lvoe her so
much. Thankyou for taking yor time into this wondeful site. have not
given Ariel the praise she deserves, as Arel brough Disney back onthe scene
after a number of unsucessful films! Ad Im glad a lot of us appretiate her. I
cant wait for more dolls and other things, as I have a collection myself. But
can i suggest you add a Snowglobe section. As I ave lots of Snowgobes of Ariel
etc ad they r absoloutly gorgeous!!!
Keep up the good work
Mat, thanks for your very kind words regarding It's very rewarding for me when someone who I don't even know takes the time to send along appreciative words... kinda makes all the effort that goes into creating and maintaining a site like this all worthwhile. Also, now that you mention it, there is a lack of Little Mermaid Snow Globes in the Gallery... I'll have to see what I can do about that. Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Mon, 30 Sep 2002
Dear Mike Webmaster of Hello how are you?? Me, not too bad!! My Name is Anita and I am emailing you to Make a suggestion and inquiry,my inquiry is Do you make Little Mermaid(Ariel and friends) ICQ Skins??if you don't make them or have them,here is my suggestion why not make some and put them on your website so others can download them and use them on their ICQ List,you see if you do that then More people will come and check out your website they will Download the ICQ Skins and then they will Vote for your site and then go on to tell their Friends about your website and then they will check it out and vote and down load and so on,it's perfect you get more votes and more visitors and you end up with the awards for your website PLEASE EMAIL ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK Thanks a bunch.
Sincerely, Anita
Well hi Anita! You bring up an interesting idea. I'm not too familiar with ICQ so I'll have to investigate a little first and see how I could go about creating some skins. Stay tuned
Fri, 27 Sep 2002
Hey, You've got a great site going there! I really enjoyed it. Best of luck with it.
Regards, Jeff Webmaster,
Thanks Jeff. Oh, and great looking site by the way!!
Wed, 25 Sep 2002
Hello I loved your site! Truely a great site! Thanks so much for the wonderful site and the great time I had!
Aurora Elite
Tue, 24 Sep 2002
Hello Mike, U have a great site! I enjoyed my visit a lot!
Best wishes, Gouri
Fri, 20 Sep 2002
I just came across your Little Ariel site and thought I'd drop you a line. I think you've got an impressive site there and have added you to our LINKS page. You'll find your listing under "Character websites".
Regards,MARTIN TURNBULLFantasiesComeTrue.comDisney-only collectibles and memorabilia since 1980
Sat, 31 Aug 2002
Hey there, it's me Annie from Daring to Dream... I've been visiting regularly for such a long time now but I just now realised I haven't signed your guestbook... So HI! Here I am, signing your guestbook! You do know I love your site, right? You do know I am overwhelmed by how much stuff you have, right? So big *smoochies* to you for creating and maintaining this great place.
Well, hi Annie, what a nice surprise! I'm glad you get the chance to stop by often. Thanks for appreciating the work that goes into creating and then maintaining a site like this. I know you understand it well and we do keep our sites going because we're Fans... and as you know, fan is short for Fanatics... little fanatic in all of us sometimes Anyway, thanks for signing the LittleAriel Guestbook. She and I appreciate it very much. PS, I love the Comic Book scans on your Gallery page, and I really love those Memorable Moments.. VERY nice! A link to your site has always been on my Fan Sites page.. right at the top! Oh, and thanks for the "Smoochies"! Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Sat, 31 Aug 2002
This is an awesome site! It's one that is actually UPDATED!!! YAY! LOL. Please (pretty please with sugar on top!) PLEASE UPDATE! I would love to visit this site every couple of days to see how things r goin.... :) Oh yeah.... i cant wait for KINGDOM HEARTS to come out! thanks to u, I will definately buy it because ariel is in it (giggle). ARIEL ROCKS!!!!!!
Hi there! Thanks for the wonderful comments. Let me just take a moment to say that I do my best to update this site often. Lately I've been working seven days a week and haven't found nearly enough time to add things. Also, sometimes news about The Little Mermaid or Ariel comes in bunches. For a while there it was every day but for the last 2 weeks or so there's been zero... I have a lot of Gallery items I'd like to add and will be doing so soon. All I can say is stay tuned Oh, and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Fri, 23 Aug 2002
Bright, colorful, cheerful website!!!
Wed, 24 Jul 2002
YOU OFFICIALLY ROCK!! I love your site. It's one of the few TLM sites I've come across that is updated recently. Plus, I wouldn't have known about Ariel being in Kingdom Hearts (which I had heard of, but thought TLM wouldn't be represented). Thanks for all the pics and wallpapers!! I'm making you my new best friend! lol
Fri, 19 Jul 2002
Hey, Wow I am impressed. Your site looks great and has some great things on it. I was also very surprised to see you get around 500 hits in a day. I wish I got that. Thanks for putting my link on your site though! I have added yours as well to my link page. Also, someday I'm going to change my links page to be more user friendly then just being alphabetical. It just may be easier for people to find a site they want. Anyways, site looks great! Later.
Joel Covnut
Thu, 18 Jul 2002
hi mike, how are you? i'm doing just fine. i was surfing on the net and came to your website. i must say you have a darn good website. i am also a real big fan of the little mermaid. i saw all the articles on your site and i was asking my self where did you buy them?? you're saying that they arent available but where did you get them then. cause i already have my own collection and i want to make it bigger and hopefully with your help.
greatz from rasieda from holland
Wed, 10 Jul 2002
Wow...great site...nice design...i can twait for that new ps2 game 'kingdom harts' looks good...keep updating on that!...
Sun, 23 Jun 2002
Hi, I realy love ariel.
Sun, 05 May 2002
Hi Mike. Neat site, my wife really likes it alot, so do I..
Fri, 03 May 2002
Hi webmaster of littleariel, Your site is awesome.!! I like little mermaid since I was seven and I still do. I'm 18 now and love surfing the net for mermaid stuff. Do you have anything for sale? Hope to hear from you soon. Again I love your site!! Sorry, seems like I got carried away. Mermaid is my type of thing. I wish I have a website of my own. I am thinking about creating one soon! Keep working on that ariel!!
Melody from Peru
Sun, 28 Apr 2002
Hi Ariel! My name is Olga. I love this site. Thank you. BY.
Mon, 15 Apr 2002
Hi. I too am a big Ariel fan. I was thinking, yur site would be even better if you put some fan art up. Or some kid stuff like games, printables etc. Thanks for listening!
Wed, 13 Mar 2002
Great site, thank you. When is the best time to chat? No one ever seems to be there. Thanks,
Hi Jim! Thanks for taking the time to write and thank you for the kind words. As for the Chat, it's only on Sunday from around 12:00 noon Pacific time till 5 or 6 PM. Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Tue, 5 Mar 2002
Hello, My name is Archana, I am the webmaster of the Disney Collectors Top Site List. Recently I visited your website and I think it is a really wonderful website about Ariel. Your site seems to have something new to offer every time I visit it, and I decided you would probably be very popular at Fantasy Fights with such a wonderful site. I personally visit it almost every day. :)
Thu, 21 Feb 2002
Hello from canada. How are you today? I hope you have fun with your friend Flounder. Say hello to flounder for me.
Your friend Allysa
Thu, 14 Feb 2002
Hello- May i suggest height- and width-tagging your images? With the number of graphics you're using, the index page alone takes over two minutes on cable -- leaving me staring at a blank page. Also, there's something wrong with whatever plugin you're trying to use for your site news. It's crashing my poor browser (Netscape 4.51). I'm afraid to look at the rest of your site, so might you be able to suggest a decent popup-free Little Mermaid site? I'm looking to replace the one my site is currently linking to.
Thanks. --M. Waers
Thank you for bringing those things to my attention. I've corrected the Netscape display problems and I understand what you mean about cable. As for a Little Mermaid site without popups, well, this one
Sat, 15 Dec 2001
Hello, I just saw your Disney page and thought that you might be interested joining We are a interactive Disney search engine listing only Disney related web-sites. Since your page clearly fits our requirements I would like to extend a invitation for you to add your site! Thank You for your time,
Ryan Cooper
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and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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