Fan Reviews of
Would you like to write a quick review of
This page is set aside for your feedback and comments. I'd love to include your words on this page...
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
hi i am 2 yrs old please send pictuers of you to my web
You write pretty good for being only two
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I am interested in the cd soundtrack for the Little Mermaid. I am also interested in some Little Mermaid cup cake toppers.
Any suggestions?
I already looked through all 38 pages of ebay & the Disneystore web site.
All I can say is be patient and keep checking back. Sooner or later, one of those, if not both, will come up.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The princesses I like te best are Ariel,Belle and Mulan.
Those are three wonderful choices, Alexa, I couldn't agree more
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
i love ariel. Ariel fans come and chat with me some times my name is Danielle.
oh yeah I'm a girl
Hello Danielle
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I'm throwing my daughter's 1st birthday and I decided upon Ariel as
the theme. Nothing can be more delicate, yet original as the little mermaid. I
can't wait!!!
You are very right... have a GREAT Ariel birthday!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Dear little Ariel 6-28-05
I'm your biggest FAN!!!!!I met you at Disney Land in Flprida!!When I'm 18 I
will dye my hair red to be like you!! I have a bank like you,a plate like
you,and a picture of you & me!!!!I'm 7 year's old but when I am 8 I can get a
Love, Savannah
Savannah, you are precious!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
what's up Ariel I was wondering is it fun under the ocean?I am your
biggest & best fan ever i love this website i am going on it everyday & I don't
mean to bother you or anything but,I also was wondering when were you born what
year,month and day well I'll write to you everyday,By the way you are the most
prettiest of all the princesses and most sweetest and your voice is the best
Yours Truely, Amra
October 23, 1973
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I have the kingdom hearts video game and on little ariel level you keep
healing donald and not sora only onec or twice you heal sora and sora`s the main
Monday, June 27, 2005
DEAR Arieal my sister and I love watching your
And I just love getting your email, thank you Christina
Monday, June 27, 2005
I so much thank you for writing, Mariana
Sunday, June 26, 2005
i love looking thru this website i also love all the information about
little mermaid and wat is coming out of the little mermaid keep up the good work
much love, joshua
Thank you Joshua
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Hi ariel. I have the same name.
You are VERY lucky Ariel
Saturday, June 25, 2005
i love the littel mermaid movie because
i seen it a long time ago with my brothers
i think so i can not rember cause i was
a littel girl i think and my mom buy that movie long time ago when i was 6 years
old. i love the littel ariel guestbook alot
thanks for makeing it on the computer
for me to write thing about the websites
you know thanks p.s. rejhana
You must be the BIGGEST fan of this site 'cause you write like every day almost
Have a GREAT Ariel summer!!
Friday, June 24, 2005
Hi! Good thing I was able to see your website! It's really an ARIEL
fan dream! Ever since I watched the TLM, I just adored all the characters. I
started collecting TLM items during the 90's but I only have few because there
are very few shops here in the Philippines which sells authentic TLM stuff.
Anyway, I also saw the picture of your wife, is she Asian? Filipina?
More power to you and all the Ariel Fans!
Thanks for your GREAT email, Sharon. I've been to the Philippines and enjoyed it very much. You can find many awesome Ariel and TLM items on ebay, check the link on the footer of every page on this site.
I think once a TLM fan, always a TLM fan Thanks again for writing.
Friday, June 24, 2005
i think you are the best in movies
Thanks so much for writing, Megge
Thursday, June 23, 2005
could not get wallpaper to download
Thanks for letting me know, dottie, I found the problem and it's corrected now
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Did ariel ever have a boy?
As far as I know, Melody is an only child
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
ahhh i love ariel she is really beautiful young person very cute too
gee i guess i am her best biggest fan that be me ana fan of ariel.
Thanks for sharing, ana
Monday, June 20, 2005
Hi! As ariel being one of my favourite characters when it comes to
disney, I wanted to say I appreciate your site, I can tell you took time, effort
and imagination to create a nice little website... keep up the good work!!
Wow, thanks for the REALLY GREAT wonderful words, Sonatina You made my day!! Enjoy your summer
Monday, June 20, 2005
the little mermaid is the bect movie ever made!!!!!!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
OMG....we're all 14 and LOVE the little mermaid! we know the songs by
heart n obsessed with the movie!! our fave songs are part of ur world n under
the sea! AWESOME SITE!
Erin, Mia and Liz
Sure glad you found the site, and as TLM fans, check out the LittleAriel Forum, register and join in
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Broken Link.. pop dreamers site
I checked the Pop Dreamers Link and it works fine. You have to have "Flash" installed on your system though.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
i love the little mermaid ever since i was 5 yrs old. Anywayz just to
let u know that i will and always love the little mermaid my favorite characters
are ariel and flounder.
p.s. if u could plz send me anything about ariel thanks
Everything about Ariel is right here on this site
I've loved Ariel and TLM since I first saw her in 1989, so I know how you feel. Glad you found, and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Ariel you are the greatest disney princess ever and ssssoooooooo cool!
She sure is!!
Saturday, June 18, 13, 2005
i love the littel mermaid movie because
i seen it a long time ago with my brothers
and i buyed it when i was ilke 6 year old.
i love the littel ariel website cause
i all ways love going to it all day long
you know to look around whats new and old
you know from rejhana p.s.
Friday, June 17, 2005
It's great to find a site dedicated to the best animated Disney movie
out it.
I thank you very much, Miri
Friday, June 17, 2005
hi again i ask if you had a crush on a boy not just for his looks but
for his charming personality and he does not evan know u exist how do charm him
hi if you had a crush on some boy that does not evan notice you how do
you get him to evan glance at you or better yet get him to go out with you?
I would say, you have to let him know you exist
Friday, June 17, 2005
I love your site so much information I'm form canada I was at disney a
few years ago no vatcation and loved it keep up the good work
your friend martha
Thanks Martha
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I wanted to know if Icould join little Ariel
Sure you can Just Click Here
Thursday, June 16, 2005
hey i love your movie little mermaid i call you pritty mermaid well
just wated to tell you that
Thank you Alisha
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
dear little ariel,
i like this website its awesome. my name is ariel to.
You have the BEST name EVER!! Glad you enjoy visiting
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
man you are lucky to fall in love with a handsom guy like eric. and i
am just waiting for your movie to come out again so this time i can buy it on
dvd. hopes it comes out soon. also i remember when i was very little i would
watch your movie over and over and over allday everyday. couldn't stop watchin
it. well also to say that how come you never make a movie with all the
princesses and prince. but not like the one about the house of mouse. but like
actually a movie with yall in it and actually make it a movie just like the
ittle mermaid movie. well it would be nice to make and have.
your biggest fan jessica
It sure would, Jessica. Thanks for writing
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
i think that the little mermid (ariel) is sooo pretty. and has a
beautiful voice.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
The site is a PERFECT site!!!! I love it! :)
but How I can hear the song in the start when it stoped? :)
One of these days, I'll add a page for songs.. glad you enjoy visiting, have a GREAT Areil day!!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
i have been ur n.1 fan 4 as long as i can rember. thank you 4 this
great memory
Thank you disney
Sunday, June 12, 2005
i like your movie and books so i hope you have fun playing in movies
and books...
by jenna
to little ARIEL
Thank you so much for writing and caring, Jenna.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
i like ur site very much
You are very kind
Saturday, June 11, 2005
what ^? <--( what's up)
The surface
Saturday, June 11, 2005
love u ... i totally like u , i'm your number 1 fan!
Thanks, Aisha
Friday, June 10, 2005
she is cool
Thu, 9 Jun 2005
I would like to know where on e-bay eexactly you found the Ariel Clock shown on this page here: its about the 4th image down I think. I tryed to click image and see if it would lead me to e-bay but it doesn't. its just a image. I like the clock adn woudl like to buy it but i would need a direct link as to where on e-bay u found it.
Hello Adam, unfortunately I did not bid on that clock and I don't know where to get one. I'm guessing that it is a Disney Sea item since most of the really nice Ariel and TLM things come from Japan. I would say, just keep searching on ebay and eventually you'll stumble on to it, and when you do, don't let it go :)
Thanks for writing and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Dear Ariel how is it like to live under water? do you like it there ?
my friend say's the sea animals are very nice there. do you think so? do you
have any enemies? like shark's, octapusess
your fan lauren
Like anywhere else, there's always danger under the sea... but when you live there, you learn how best to avoid it and seek out the good things instead
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
i love the littel ariel website its
nice and sweet i guess you know
p.s. from rejhana
Thanks Rejhana
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
dear aril i think your good but not as good as jasmine
I think Jasmine is pretty good too
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I you on toondisney
Monday, June 6, 2005
I love Ariel very much.
You are very loving, thank you
Sunday, June 5, 2005
I've grown up being linked to the Little Mermaid my whole life and I
love it. Im a huge fan of all the big disney musical classics along with their
collectors items. Im going to be entering college next year and im still
continuing very much so in my collection of Ariel stuff from snow globes to
purses to sleeping bags. Im glad that there are other people that pursue and
express their appreciation for the nations classic entertainment. Nice Site!
You are most fortunate, Ariel, to not only have the same name, but also to be a Disney fan.
I thank you VERY much for the wonderful review of 
Saturday, June 4, 2005
i love swiming by with the littel mermaid
princess girl its fun to swim with
disney princess girl you know p.s. thanks
for swiming by with me ariel the littel mermaid
i love the littel mermaid guestbook
alot cause its fun and cool to go to
all day long
p.s. good bye and have a good ariel
day p.s.
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Great Job! Hello, I've visited your site many times before (I think I've signed
the guestbook then, too). And I just want to say, I really enjoy it. You have so
much content. Keep up the great work. ^__^
Thanks Lindsey. I'm looking forward to having more time to add content now that School's out for me. Sure glad you enjoy visiting... have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Hello! I love this website I am from Spain!
Thank you
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
i absolutely love this website. i was just looking around online for
some ariel things and stumbled upon this! its absolutely great! thank you for
putting so much time and effort into this sight for all of the world to enjoy. i
really appreciate it!
Emails like yours make it ALL worthwhile
Monday, May 30, 2005
you rock Ariel! my cousin's name is Ariel, and she is your #1 fan!
i'm your #2 fan. my cuz got her room redone in the mermiad Arial style!
seashells all over, that kind o f thing. but any way, you rock!
Your Cousin is my kinda girl
Monday, May 30, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
I need help here, i found another really cool website some time ago,
(this website is totally "fin"tastic also,) and I found an alternate ending to
The little Mermaid. I was an idiot, and I didn't bookmark the page! If anyone
knows what website that is, please some how let me know!!
On the "flip" side I love the Little Mermaid, and i think that this site is
totally sweet.
Ariel FanAddict
Sure glad you enjoyed the site. I've heard of an alternate ending also. Your best bet would be to ask around at LittleAriel Forum. Good luck and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
i love little Mermaid , Congratulation for your web page, it´s the best"!
Hi Sandra and thanks for writing. Thanks very much for your kind words also...
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Hi Dear,
It’s a great pleasure browsing through the beautifully designed pages of Little Ariel. I, myself is a huge fan & was really glad to have found this page.
Appreciate your help for sending me these lovely wallpapers.
Best Rgds,
Thank you for your very kind words. I am in the process of changing hosts for LittleAriel, so the Wallpaper page will be available soon
Saturday, May 28, 2005
i love you ariel because your a mermaid
princess i love the movie alot cause i have
it in my brothers room its the first room.
Thank you rej
Thursday, May 26, 2005
i loved to see the little mermaid at magic kingdom i cant wait to the
little mermaid 3 comes' out the ariel wallpapers'they are pretty and
coluerfall i love the little mermaid i hope i can see her again
Thank you very much for your nice email, Lauren
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Hello Ariel!!!!!!!!!!! I love watching your programs and I wish I could be in your program too.
Love from Megan age 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You are such a sweetie, Megan
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
i love mermaids. I want to be a little mermaid when I grow up. I want the potion.
Taylorg vcxc
I totally understand, and I wish I could give you the potion
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hi CyberBuddy! Very nice website.
Mon, 23 May 2005
I found your ariel website and it's pretty neat. That's too bad people
were hotlinking them. I found two I liked
could you send them to me?
Hello Flower, sure glad you enjoyed your visit at requested wallpapers have been sent
Sunday, May 22, 2005
I am Maci. You are the most beautiful princess and also you are my
favorite princess.
Thanks so much for writing, Maci
Sun, 22 May 2005
How do i install the ariel clock in my desktop?
Wisa Anne
Hello there and thanks for writing
I'm sorry to say that you won't be able to set the clock as a wallpaper.
That would be cool though if we could.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
hi there will just want to said hi. I'm Samantha and I love Ariel even if I was to old, will that what
I think mybe I'm not I love Ariel so much will good by friend.
Never too old to love Ariel
Saturday, May 21, 2005
LUV YA Katie
It's GREAT to have so many fans
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Has any one ever had dreams about TLM? If so please e-mail me, could you tell me what, (and when,) they are. I would
love to hear from other Ariel fans!
From, Ariel FanAddict
LittleAriel Forum is the place for you, please swim by and visit there and share your thoughts and dreams with other TLM and Ariel fans. As for me, I did have one Ariel dream and I'll never forget it because the dream AND Ariel seemed so real... unfortunately, it didn't last very long
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Thanks for writing Katie
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I love this site but only if there were some games then that would be
the best website in the world!!!!!!!!!!!
The games page will be back this summer or earlier... hang in there
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Can you please make the littleariel games work as fast as you can?
Waiting to hear from you on my email
your sinsierly katy
I'm working very hard to get the games page back, Katy.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Cool site! I like the art page the best. I'm tryiung to get my art
page at my site, , filled as much as yours. Good
Sanette T
Thanks Sanette
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Hello Webmaster,
I would like to request for the little mermaid wallpapers.. I'm such an addict of disney that i collect all wallpapers i see on the internet, i found so many of yours worth keeping. i hope that you can send them to me.. if possible all of them!
One i really love the most is the TLM-Movie wallpaper.. I hope you can send them..
Thanks so much and hoping for your reply..
Hello there Disney Addict and thanks for writing. Wallpapers sent
Thursday, May 19, 2005
hey ariel
how are you
you are so beaitful and kind
good buy
That's very kind of you, Chistine Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I love Ariel sooooo much that my mom named me after her she is the
best! They need to put her back on tv! Cause if they dont i'm going to be the
most madest child on EARTH! DO YOU HEAR ME!
It's nice that you have the Ariel name, but don't be so mad because Ariel knows that being angry helps no one.
Instead, just think positively and usually, good things happen
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
hiya my name is shona we are doing about you ariel can you sent me a
picture off you please thank you or you can chat to me
see ya hope you get his hahahahaha i not joking ok hiya its me again i sorry for what that girl said do you wanna chat to
me i need a boyfriend by shona
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
i love you
love lindsay
I love your email, Lindsay
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
hiya ariel i like your your dvd hope you like this i hope we can be
friends we are doing write about ariel hiya ariel have you been getting my messages is ariel a good job we are
doing about ariel in class and i don't no any about it by shona hope you like
Glad to hear that you're writing about Ariel in class... you picked a GREAT topic
Monday, May 16, 2005
Wow!! That is GREAT!!
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to make such a wonderful design... very cool
I'm adding a link to your site to all my pages, and thanks again for writing.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Thanks for writing, Lindsay
Monday, May 16, 2005
I love your website I visit all the time. Thanks for doing a great job
on it. Ariel is my favorite character in the world and I am glad that people
give her the attention she should get. Keep up the good work on the website and
post any new info as soon as possible
Hey, thanks a lot for your very kind remarks. I plan on updating a lot as soon as finals week is over (mid June). I'm full time work and full time college right now and it's been a real bear updating the site.
Hang in there
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Hey Mike...
Um.. well me and Jess have just started a little mermaid forum... I don't know
if you link to forums... but ah well it's a link - of course it will be no
where near as cool as yours... anywho here's the link:
Sure I'll link to your forum! I love to spread the joy of all things Ariel and TLM
Saturday, May 14, 2005
im a student from Belgium. Im learning to be a kindergarden teacher. Im going to work about The Little Mermaid for two weeks with my children. That's why i like you to ask, if you could sent me the background castle1024. I was looking all over the web for Eric's castle but couldn't find it. You would be a great help!!!!
PS Other things for working with children about the little mermaid are always welcome... Thank you veryyyyyyy much!!!
Caroline from Belgium
Hello there Caroline and thanks for writing
I think that's GREAT that you're working with kids and I'd be most happy to share the wallpapers with you
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Hi there Mike,
I was just wondering if you knew where on the internet I could watch the original 1989 release trailer or ads for TV/video for 1990? I’m really interested in seeing the clips. Do you know if it’s on any Disney videos from the late 80’s/early 90’s? and which ones, im expecting classics collection?
Please let me know!
Hello Ryan and thanks for writing.
One day a few years ago, someone put up for auction on ebay the 35mm trailer which was for the 1989 release.
I got it for a song. It's about 3 inches in diameter but unfortunately, I can't play it LOL.
Sadly, I'm not sure where you could go to see it. Really wish I could help.
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
hiya ariel yur well top i luv u loads hehehehehe
luv amy
Friday, May 13, 2005
hiya wat are you up to it was my birthday on may the 6th hope you get
this from shona have a nice day
Hi and thanks for writing, Shona, I hope you had the GREATest of Birthdays!!
Friday, May 13, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
you are the best
Thank you, Priscilla
Thu, 12 May 2005
hi,mike . . .that's a really wonderful site.thanks
for your efforts in creating such cute wallpapers
but i was really sad that you will make nobody access to them anymore.please i would like u to send all of them to my e_mail.and thanks again for your efforts.
Hello Cherry, I am moving to another webhost, so the wallpapers will be avaialble all the time after that. I expect to move over this weekend since I'm already signed up with a better webhost.
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the site and thanks very much for writing.
Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
ARIEL! Hello from Cyprus! Ariel WE LOVE YOU! GREAT page Mike! =)
Many Thanks, Marios
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Hi! I really love all your works of Ariel Wallpaper. And I would like to request some of 'littleariel wallpaper'
Your wallpapers are on the way
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
i like your web site how do you join your web site
from shona
Well, Shona, you can't actually join the website, but you could join the LittleAriel Forum
Sunday, May 8, 2005
hey this is the girl form chester, england again! i have some good
news, there has been a report that a man was at the caspian sea, (where i think
the little mermaid lives) and saw a merman!!! i was astinished when i heard this
news because i was on the way to the beach in wales URGING to see something,
anything out there that atleast looked a little bit like a mermaid.
gr8 site!!!
Thanks Gemma, and thanks very much for the news flash
Saturday, May 7, 2005
Hello, i have to say that your little mermaid site is really good!!
cant wait til little mermaid comes out on special edition dvd~~which is oct 2006!!!
i was wondering whther you could send me some wallpaper??? They look really good!! Thankyou!!!
Hello Holly, glad to hear you enjoyed the site
Friday, May 6, 2005
I am 3 years old and live in Australia. I love Ariel. Mummy is taking
my sister and I to see her soon in a Disney on Ice show. Thankyou for this
lovely site where i can see her whenever I like.
Hello to you Holly from Australia, and thanks very much for writing
Friday, May 6, 2005
get some games&corling pages online coloring
coloring pages are avaialable: Coloring Pages
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Life is GOOD, Taylor
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
To Arial i love you'r song's you'r music AND YOU'R VIDEO'S
I love your message
Monday, May 2, 2005
You are so speical too me these are all the things about you:your
hot,pretty,nice,and helpful
Thank you for your email, Ulyana
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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