Webmaster Log Page 1
12 / August / 2001 2:00 AM Pacific Time.
Bottom Navbar/Footer
fixed. Was changing the address bar onclick with #add. Changed the syntax to href="javascript:void(null); which did the trick.
Gallery sub Pages
had those "Horizontal Rules" on them so had to go in and manually replace each one with a table cell and a clear.gif 
Links Page
added a cute wav file to the logo link (upper left hand corner) but the link isn't working correctly yet. Still trying to get my FormMail to work... getting there though. When I do, the logo will be used as a link to send a Form Mail to LittleAriel.com instead of using your email program (which is a hassle to most people.. ).
11 / August / 2001 10:45 PM Pacific Time.
eBay link
has two windows that alternate. They didn't display right in Netscape so I fixed that. Horizontal rules just won't color so had to use a transparent gif and table tags.
11 / August / 2001 2:00 PM Pacific Time.
News Page
now has two more links which are under construction, but I hope to have some reviews in there soon. Of course I'm not ready to put in for any awards yet since I'm still working on the site. In fact this site is not even listed with any search engines yet.
10 / August / 2001 11:45 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page
has the first link complete. I have 17 images on the "Art" link. Many of these items came from eBay. Will try to complete one link from the Gallery page per day. Not sure if anybody really cares but I'll keep plodding away on this site till it's where I want it to be. There are so many features I'll be adding as this site matures so keep checking this page for updates.
08 / August / 2001 11:55 PM Pacific Time.
Not much to report today.
Did quite a few little things but none really noticible. Adjusted the height of the side links, change the rolloever logo address to http://www.littleariel.com instead of index.htm, little things like that. Hope to work on the Gallery page this weekend and get it online by Monday! 
07 / August / 2001 9:30 PM Pacific Time.
Home Page
bottom navigation bar extended/centered to match the rest of the site. Also fixed the underline and overline of "Not just another pretty website" caption so they display in Netscape.
06 / August / 2001 11:15 PM Pacific Time.
Welcome Page
has been simplified and a Details link has been added for more info and added another gif.
05 / August / 2001 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Created 8 more gif images
some of which are now included. Each page has one new image. More to come...
Netscape resize to fit screen problem
in that it always seemed to make Netscape Navigator/Communicator reload and reload for the Screen Resize and Move To commands. So I just got rid of it. Apparently it was causing some crashing problems, not to mention display problems also. Writing code for Netscape is difficult, but VERY rewarding if you get it right! 
Gallery page
will be worked on tomorrow so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!
04 / August / 2001 11:45 PM Pacific Time.
should be easier to read now. Seems the purple color with the light blue background made it difficult. Compare the two and let me know please.
Welcome Page
has been rendered with an easier to read text color and I moved "Welcome to LittleAriel.com" from the Home page. Good idea I hope.
News Page
now has two choices: 'Ariel News' and 'Site News'. I'll have to dig around for the Ariel page because I've been so busy working on this site, I haven't had time to really look into what's going on in the world of The Little Mermaid. I'll work on it during this upcoming week.
Gallery Page
has received a lot of modifications which you'll probably never notice, but which took up most of my day today (still correcting all the spaces in file names too).
A sizing issue
came up. Guess my forced page size was covering the Task Bar on Windows so I fixed it fine in Internet Explorer, but still can't find the solution for Netscape Navigator. I'll have to check in with the Website Abstraction Help Forum and hopefully I'll get that ironed out soon.
03 / August / 2001 7:45 PM Pacific Time.
Fixed the problem with images and the backgrounds not displaying. Remember to never put spaces in your file names. Netscape will not render them.
Added a scrollbar to the Credits popup.
Got some great feedback from the friendly folks at the Website Abstraction Help Forum (Website Abstraction). 
02 / August / 2001 7:30 PM Pacific Time.
Eventually this page will include News and Events surrounding The Little Mermaid, and Disney happenings also. For now, I'll just be adding my site updates here.
Today I fixed the bottom NavBar on all the pages so everything displays properly (had my windows opening up the wrong size).
I'm working on the welcome page now. Need to create a few gifs for it. Should be finished by tonight.
Also I'm working on a layout for the links page but haven't come up with a good one yet... maybe some ideas out there???
Fixed the image problems on the gallery page so they all display now. I'll be working on the associated link pages soon to include all the many many pics!
Guess that's about it for now.. more to come 
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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