Webmaster Log Page 3
15 / November / 2001 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Pages:
Added: 1 Media, 1 Art, 2 Stickers, 1 Glasses/Cups and 1 Plates.
14 / November / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Ariel News Page
now has 3 great new links so check 'em out and enjoy 
11 / November / 2001 11:30 AM Pacific Time.
Gallery Pages:
Added: 2 Bedding, 3 Bath Items, 1 Art, 1 Media, 1 Stickers, 1 Cups/Glasses, and 1 Cards. Also, noted on all pages to click Thumbnails for larger image.
29 / October / 2001 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Pages:
Added: 1 Sticker, 2 Media, 1 Display, 1 Stamp, and 1 Card.
28 / October / 2001 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added CDs and Videos to the Books category; Changed the CDs and Videos category to "Toys"; Added 1 GREAT set of images to the Display category; Added 2 Art and 6 Bedding images.
Links Page:
Added a really nice Ariel game link, which by the way I came across at the Arielholics list. Right below that game link is one to the Arielholics subscribe page if you'd like to join in and swim around a bit 
26 / October / 2001 7:00 PM Pacific Time.
It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've updated this site
and I appologize for that. I've been working on a project that has completely taken over my time. I have two more categories to finish so I'm going to be taking those on this weekend. There are also many more images I've been collecting which I'll be including in the Gallery page in the next 2 days, so stay tuned...
13 / October / 2001 5:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page
Completed Displays Page.
Gallery Page
Added several images: 1 Art, 3 Bedding, 1 Pin/Button, 1 Glasses/Cups, 1 Book, 1 Bank, 1 Towel, and 1 Card.
12 / October / 2001 1:30 PM Pacific Time.
Links and Fan Sites page
Added the Arielholics mailing list link from Dan's website.
Fan Sites Page
Added 4 more sites: KimmieMarie's, The WizzKid's, Hank's and Livie's. They're all great, so check 'em out!
Gallery Page
Completed the Lamps category. Also, there was some confusion about the items displayed on the Gallery Page... I've included an explanation there now: Items are not for sale, they were mostly found on eBay auctions.
8 / October / 2001 8:30 PM Pacific Time.
Fan Sites Page:
Added Lisette's Little Mermaid Page.
Gallery Page:
Added 4 Stickers, 1 Bedding, 1 Clock.
6 / October / 2001 11:00 AM Pacific Time.
Links Page:
Added new link to the Arielcon T-shirt which I've been working on for the last week which in turn explains why I haven't had much time to work on LittleAriel.com...
Gallery Page:
Completed the Rug category and added many more images throughout the gallery.
29 / September / 2001 1:00 PM Pacific Time.
Fan Sites Page:
No longer under construction! Added 6 Fan Sites... more to come Add yours, just click on the LittleAriel logo and send me the url.
Links Page:
Added two great links: An archive of ALL Ariel Dolls, and a link to The Little Mermaid Yahoo Group. Check 'em out!
Gallery Page:
Added 3 more stamps.
Just realized
that the Links page had the same image on it as the News page so I put a different one on the Links page. Also changed the image on the News>Reviews page.
27 / September / 2001 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added 3 Pins/Buttons and 3 Stickers/Appliques.
23 / September / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Took a few days off but...
still added things here and there. One item of interest might be the Little Mermaid message board I just found out about. You can find a link to it on the... of course.. Links page 
19 / September / 2001 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Completed the Stamps category and added a few pics here and there.
18 / September / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added 2 watches to the Clocks category and added 1 pic to the Cups category.
17 / September / 2001 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added another Bath pic, Bedding pic and a Cup pic.
16 / September / 2001 12:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Completed the Bath category (renamed from "Towel"). Also added another Clock pic.
15 / September / 2001 7:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Clock category completed. Will add more clocks as I find them.
14 / September / 2001 7:30 PM Pacific Time.
Thumbnails stop loading problem:
When clicking a thumbnail on the image gallery, the thumbnails will stop loading while the new page loads. This problem has been solved by e-myther from WA but I still need to implement it.. coming soon.
an Art pic, a Bedding pic, a Plate pic, and a Book pic.
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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