Webmaster Log Page 4
3 / February / 2002 9:00 AM Pacific Time.
Home Page:
Added a mouseover for the 3 links in the splash box. Put "Here you'll discover:" in all caps.
2 / February / 2002 9:45 AM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
The Rugs Page was giving out a 404. Found out why (never uploaded the pages..ooops). Problem fixed.
31 / January / 2002 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Fan Site Page:
Added another Little Mermaid Fan Site. Jessi really has some GREAT Ariel pages!!
Links Page:
Noted another Little Mermaid Web Ring, so go and visit soon!
27 / January / 2002 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page
IS DONE!! Just finished the Doll Category with 15 great dolls! More to come so stay tuned. Anyway, that was the last thing I had to do before I could consider this site as done. All I need now is some feedback.. let me know how you like this site, if there's anything I can do to make it better, and I'll include your ideas Just click here.
27 / January / 2002 10:40 AM Pacific Time.
WebRing Banners added:
Added the two Little Mermaid WebRing banners to my Home, Fan Sites and Links Pages. Will be adding more as I join others since for the most part, my site is completed. I only have the Dolls category to finish up. I would also like to begin adding reviews to my Reviews Page, so any and all comments would be GREATLY appreciated: Just click here and let me know if you like the site and if there's anything I could add to make it better. I will be forever grateful!! 
24 / January / 2002 3:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page:
Added a link to an older Jodi Benson interview.
23 / January / 2002 6:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added a new towel pic to the Bath Items Page.
20 / January / 2002 8:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added 14 pics to Toys and Figurines.
Gallery Page:
Added mouseover commands to the thumbnails so the type of items will also display in the "status window".
19 / January / 2002 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Finally making some progress on the last two categories... Toys and Dolls. Opened the Toys page with 6 items and will be adding many many more soon! (promise)
Links Page:
Found a neat little page with Real Life Ariels! You'll find a link to it on the (of course) links page!
15 / January / 2002 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links page
Two more great places to visit! A newly created Little Mermaid Web Ring and Christopher's great clip-art page, so check 'em out!!
13 / January / 2002 12:00 PM Pacific Time.
Hello again! Been gone a while, sort of on vacation.
I haven't updated the site in almost a month and for that I'm sorry, but I had a really great vacation! Anyway, just added a few more images to the Gallery: 1 Bath Items, 2 Beddings, and 1 Lunchboxes. Will be adding more in the upcoming days. Also, I've noticed that traffic to the site has double in the last month so looks like I've got a great reason to keep this site up and improving all the time, so that's about it. Have a GREAT Ariel day!!
12 / December / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added 2 Calendars to the Media Page.
10 / December / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added one Character Stamp to Stamps Page.
9 / December / 2001 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added 3 towels to the Bath Items page.
6 / December / 2001 9:30 PM Pacific Time.
Site News Page:
Added page 4 (this one). You can view previous entries using the links to previous pages below.
Gallery Page:
Added 2 Pillows to the Bedding page.
22 / November / 2001 11:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page
Two more great links!
16 / November / 2001 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page:
Added several more great links. Also, the page got to be too big so I broke it off into two. You can reach the older entries from the bottom.
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Previous Pages: