Webmaster Log Page 6
05 / May / 2002 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
Some new Ariel images
from Kingdom Hearts ( the new video game for PS2 ) to check out at ign.com as posted on the "Ariel News" page. Be sure to check those out as they're really worth a look.
04 / May / 2002 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Fan Reviews page is
no longer "Under Construction" !! Yipee! See what others are saying about LittleAriel.com, just click the "Guest Book" link to your left.
02 / May / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Reviews Page...
coming SOON! That's the last page to create and then LittleAriel.com will really be complete.
Wallpaper Page??
Seems like there's a demand so I'll be adding one... keep an eye out 
30 / April / 2002 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Additions:
Added 4 nice Ariel Production Art pieces to the Art Page, also added 6 Toy itmes to the Toys Page.
Updated Visitors Page.
Complete stats through April. Thanks everyone for helping to make LittleAriel.com a fun place to visit and maintain ( although I wish I had more time to add stuff.. oh, and there's a lot more pics for the Gallery coming... soon! ). 
21 / April / 2002 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
Added Button Link
to NetDisney.com on all news pages. This is a great site for Disney news!
20 / April / 2002 11:00 PM Pacific Time.
19 / April / 2002 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Added another button link
to most every page except the Home/Index page, this time to the Top 25 Disney Sites List. There's only room for 5 more sites. If you have one, why not get listed? You should have a small banner too.
13 / April / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page
is up to page four now! I just love it when this site grows like that 
12 / April / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
6 / April / 2002 11:00 PM Pacific Time.
Welcome Page:
Posted pics of my little sister Monika at age 10 and as a teen. I have dedicated this site to her.
6 / April / 2002 1:00 PM Pacific Time.
Display problems in Netscape
now corrected. The problem was with the footer.js file. I appologize for the problem.
Site News Page (Webmaster Log), Ariel News Page:
Each needed an additional page.
The DisneySearch.net button
has now been added to various pages throughout the site.
Visitors link
which displays the monthly visitor numbers now includes all of March.
26 / March / 2002 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
Various items recently added:
Although I haven't had much time lately to update this page, I've been adding this and that here and there As noted on the Ariel News page I recently found Ariel in the McDonald's Happy Meal and posted a couple pics. Also I've created a LittleAriel Wallpaper I hope you'll enjoy.
16 / March / 2002 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Index/Home Page
has been redesigned to make room for the Golden Web Award LittleAriel.com recently won.
Awards Page:
Added the Golden Web Award from IAWMD.
News Page
now includes the most recent info on Disney's / McDonald's Happy Meal Toys as well as noting IAWMD's Golden Web Award for LittleAriel.com
10 / March / 2002 3:00 PM Pacific Time.
Awards Page:
Placed a nice little frame around each of the two awards. Wish I could hang them on my wall 
News Page:
Included a link to the McDonald's Happy Meal Toys featuring Disney Characters.
8 / March / 2002 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Visitors Page:
Updated the visitor stats page with March 2002. Now averaging over 300 per day!
Gallery Page:
Added 1 Pin and 2 Mugs. More to come.
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Previous Pages: