Webmaster Log Page 2
10 / September / 2001 9:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Card category completed. Not many but will list more as they come around.
7 / September / 2001 10:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Finished the Stickers category. Once all the categories are completed, I'll list this site with the Search Engines.
6 / September / 2001 9:45 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page:
Added a "Link To Us" feature. Took a while to complete but well worth it! Also added a link to the "Official TLM II Page" at Disney.com.
Reviews Page
now has an introduction... just waiting for reviews now 
4 / September / 2001 6:30 PM Pacific Time.
Added a Fan Sites Page
under "Links". The page is under construction, but I will be listing sites there shortly. Note the added Ariel gif with Flounder!
Links Page:
Added a link to an Ariel game "Shark Cave" (found by Natalie of Arielholics). Thanks Natalie!
Gallery Page:
Added pics for the Books category.
2 / September / 2001 11:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page
finally has another category completed. Finished uploading the "Banks" images and pages. Also added were a few more Art pics and 2 more Bedding ones.
1 / September / 2001 9:30 PM Pacific Time.
has given me permission to link to their pages.
Added a few more gifs
to various pages. Will be adding more as site grows.
email address created for this site. (I used my site's control panel to create the POP3 account).
Links Page
now has two more great links: One to a page of vidio clips and midis, and one to some nice Ariel Clip-art... check 'em out 
28 / August / 2001 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page and News Page
have new info added including links to a Disney Discussion Forum and to a Disney Sea Virtual Tour.
26 / August / 2001 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Display problems with AOL
including closes.click (closes is undefined) on each gallery page, and discovered I still had a preload images script for logo on the Mail Form. Both problems corrected.
24 / August / 2001 4:30 PM Pacific Time.
Links Page
is no longer "Under Construction". Lots more links to come. Soon I'll be adding to the links on the left for better navigation.
News Page
now with more news! Keeping current here has taken up some time so I haven't been able to get much more done on the Gallery page... but I haven't forgotton.
21 / August / 2001 10:30 PM Pacific Time.
Logo Link
not opening in Netscape... fixed.
21 / August / 2001 6:15 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Finished the Lunchbox and Cups categories. Will be uploading soon as possible.
Contact Page
wasn't working during the last 2 days.... fixed.
News Page
Had problems with display in Netscape... now fixed.
19 / August / 2001 7:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Added three new cels to the Art page. Finished uploading/completed the Plates Page.
Logo Link
to the Mail Form has been activated on each page (except of course the home/main page). You can click on this logo at any time and you'll get a form that you can fill out with any ideas or suggestions regarding LittleAriel.com or any other matters, click "Send" and I'll receive it right away in my Hotmail Inbox. I do answer each and every "Note" I receive, so please let me know what I could do to make things better here.
The Site News Page
was getting too long and the Notepad didn't have enough memory/space for more entries, so I had to split it off into two. Links to previous pages/dates are available at the bottom of each Site News Page.
18 / August / 2001 4:30 PM Pacific Time.
Ariel News Page:
Added info about Arielcon 2002 passed along by Anita of Arielholics Annonymous... check it out! (Click Link at left)
404 Page
is done but needs to be implemented with CGI/SSI which I'm working at now. You can see the page if interested HERE.
16 / August / 2001 10:45 PM Pacific Time.
The Footer
is now written to each page using a single file so when I have to make changes to it, I only have to adjust one file instead of every page I lost a lot of sleep over this one and give credit to LOGAN from the Website Abstraction Help Forum for giving me the final piece of the puzzle.
14 / August / 2001 10:00 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page
continues to be the main focus. Finished with the Pins category and am uploading now. Hopefully my FTP problem will not crop up again.
Other Progress
includes working on rendering the footer to each page from a called page; getting the mailform link on each page; finding the "giggle" sound wav; creating a customized 404 file not found page.
13 / August / 2001 11:30 PM Pacific Time.
Gallery Page:
Completed the "Bedding" category.
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
Previous Pages: