Little Mermaid News and Events
This entry added: 18 / April / 2006 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
Just in time for Summer!!...
An Ariel beach towel worth every penny ( and she's on sale ) Just click on her and be magically transported...
This entry added: 3 / March / 2006 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Ariel is alive and well...
at Walmart!! Check out these beauties, and get 'em now while you still can
This entry added: 15 / July / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
I've been swamped over lately, but...
the new Ariel stamp is out and she's a beaut!! Just check out This USPS page (oops, sorry, link no longer valid )
At long last, has changed hosting services
The site became so popular that pretty soon, I was being charged extra for all the large downloads that were available like wallpapers and games, so unfortunately, I had to remove them for a while.
I had promised to change my web host and now, finally, the changeover is complete, which means everything is once again available for you
Any time a big change like this is made, there are always a few kinks and bugs along the way. If you see anything missing or broken, please let me know what and where... just click on the small "LittleAriel" logo in the upper left hand corner of all the pages. Feel free to provide comments and feedback at any time, it's always appreciated, and you very probably will receive a reply in the Guestbook which I have always kept updated.
Thanks again for being a loyal (and maybe new) follower of Have a GREAT Ariel day!! Mike
This entry added: 12 / June / 2005 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
It's not really much to go on yet, but...
If you Go To This Link you'll see that TLM3 really is in progress
This entry added: 1 / April / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
TLM3 in the works at Disney...
no this is not an April fools joke. There's reliable info coming out that it's really being worked on and may just be done in traditional animation as well I'll pass along more info as it becomes available.
This entry added: 15 / March / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Not exactly earth-shaking news, but...
I have finally updated the Atlantica/TLM3 page. So many of you wrote with such GREAT ideas!! I did take forever to update and many of you probably gave up on me, but if you're a loyal TLM and Ariel fan like I know you are, it will have been worth the wait Anyway, I promise not to take that long again!! Have a GREAT Ariel TLM3 day!!
This entry added: 6 / March / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
There's been a lot of interest in the Platinum DVD release of Disney's The Little Mermaid
It looks like most probably next year will be the time. According to, the Platinum release is 'probable' on October 2006.
I was expecting later this year, but unfortunately I'm probably wrong. The good news is that it was originally scheduled for 2008
Sure am looking forward to it as there should be some GREAT special features
This entry added: 26 / February / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
I found Ariel !!!
and she's in my own backyard!! Ariel Washington, zip code: 98603, area code: 360 (same as mine), population: 732, less than 150 miles south of where I live up by Everett Wa....
Look at the bottom center of the map:
Like finding a soul mate
Welcome to Ariel
Along the north side of Merwin Lake with gas, camping, boating, golf and Ariel Tavern. Ariel, "Home of Cooper Capers", where the annual Thanksgiving weekend brings people from all over the world. The search is still on for the $200,000 D.B. Cooper jumped with from the Boeing 727. And the Lelooska Gallery featuring traditional and contemporary Indian and Western Art, Artifacts and Jewelry. The Lelooska Foundation Museum & Gallery, can be reached at (360) 225-9522, call ahead.
This entry added: 27 / January / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Get ready for a wonderful new stamp set from the USPS
and best of all it includes Ariel!! Okay, the pic is not that great for now, and it's not scheduled to be released until June, but how about that  Thanks to powerdroid from LittleAriel Forum for posting all about it.
This entry added: 26 / January / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
New collectible Ariel doll
from Madame Alexander. Just click on the pic below to visit the page:
This entry added: 19 / January / 2005 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
There's a new Valentine Ariel
available at the Disney Store. Looks nice
This entry added: 18 / January / 2005 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Hard as it may be to believe...
Ariel and friends are now on the box of a new frozen item: Fish Nuggets.. of all things! You can find her at Walmart and probably a lot of other grociers. Be careful when you bite down though...
This entry added: 15 / December / 2004 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Sorry for the lack of news lately
I've just been bogged under with STUFF. School, Christmas, VACATION Look for lots more here in January!!
This entry added: 24 / November / 2004 1:00 PM Pacific Time.
Great looking new Ariel pin
and just in time for Christmas!! To be released at Disney Land Resort on 12/05
This entry added: 6 / November / 2004 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Arielcon Pacifica 2004 is a wrap
Check out Dan's Disney Page for how it went and what you missed Just click on the BEAUTIFUL Ariel below...
This entry added: 24 / October / 2004 8:00 AM Pacific Time.
Not exactly news, but
check out this BEAUTIFUL fountain! It's somewhere in Japan but I'm not sure where. Someone found this pic on the web while surfing and posted it at LittleAriel Forum
This entry added: 23 / October / 2004 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Yet two more interesting LM items becoming available shortly:
First the Ariel stapler, and second, the Ursula pencil holder. You can click on the images below to learn a little more about them at their respective ebay auctions.
This entry added: 12 / October / 2004 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
The new 2005 Disney Princess Calendars are available
The first two pics are front and back of the standard calendar. The third is a "Fun Shaped" edition, and the last one is the "Desk Calendar" version. Get one soon
This entry added: 9 / October / 2004 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
Although it's down the road a ways
looks like Disney is about to do something good for our Little Mermaid. Sure it's not till 2007, but it's a step in the RIGHT direction. Looks like a Pavilion "rethemed around Little Mermaid characters" at Epcot (Orlando). Makes me wish I lived on the East Coast Did I just say I'd like to live on the East Coast?? Yikes!!
You can click on the map below for a larger image:
This entry added: 24 / September / 2004 11:00 PM Pacific Time.
There's a new set of Upper Deck cards coming out
It's a Disney set and one of the insert cards is Ariel... all dolled up (you can click on the card to visit the page) :
Explore Your Web...
and have a GREAT Ariel day!!
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